Cubed Chapter 15: We will fight together!!!

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Sagittarius's POV:

We found the ladder and raced down it as fast as we could. Even though we we're tired we ran thought the maze as fast as our legs would carry hoping to found the others there.

Leo's POV:

Capricorn and Virgo finished their reunion and rose to there feet.

"Is anyone hurt?" Capricorn asked looking around the small group and I spoke my head. I felt sore and bruised everywhere but I was fine; I knew it wasn't the time to complain.

"What's going to happen?" I asked directed at Capricorn and she looked to the sky as she answered.

"I don't know. Voice what is going to happen?" She asked and we all waited for the answer.

"The Skeleton Traces are coming. How you fight is up to you but they must die," The Voice said as emotionless as ever.

"Hang on, did she say them?" Virgo asked confused and fear struck our blood.

"Theres more than one?"I asked and Libra jumped in scared.

"Well, how many are there?" She asked and it didn't take long for Cancer to speak up too.
"You said one was hard to fight! How many will there be?" He asked scared as anyone would be. After all we are only kids and here we've been thrown into a world with out logic.

"Enough! It will be fine. We just need to be ready," Capricorn said before laying the plan out infant of us. We all had our rolls we were going to use the rope from cancers bag to make a trap but it wasn't big enough so we came up with an alternative solution to get one on up on the Skeleton Traces.

Just as we stood ready for battle and heard the raw of the first monster in the distance we heard someone call out from behind us. We turned to see the others running towards us all of our names being called at once we all ran together and hugged each other, but it didn't take long to get interrupted but a second raw. We turn to see five beast ru out from around the corner. We all froze for a second.

"What do we do?" Aries asked and I got back into my fighter persition as I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat.

"Cancer, Libra! Get back to your spots! Everyone else when I say, attack." Capricorn said as she stood ready to fight.

"Are you crazy, get back!" Scorpio yelled as everyone else took out their weapons.

"Virgo! Why are you letting her do this? There going to ram us!" He yelled and Virgo turned to face him.
"Scorpio, just trust us on this," Libra said and Scorpio looked between the three of them before standing ready. We watched them get closer and then when they were about a 50 meters infant of us Libra who was standing opposite Cancer with a roped stretched out between them called.
"Now!" They pulled the rope up and it sent the monsters falling to the ground and tripping over each other. That's when Capricorn called out.

"Now!" We all ran forward and spurred our swords into them as they struggle to stand we had two people on each Skeleton Trace and they slowly got weaker the more we stabbed them. On of them managed to get up and they hit Virgo sending him flying into the wall.

"Virgo!" Capricorn called before staging the creature in its empty eye sockets and then running over to Virgo. Aries was trying to fight as best he could and he saw one start to make its way toward Gemini.

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