Cubed Chapter 2: Do earthquakes open doors???

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there is a bit of a time skip here

Aries POV:

This place where we're trapped it's massive. No kidding it's literally 50m by 50m square (well I don't know if this makes sense lets just call it big. ;P). We've been walking around in it for a while. It's all white and empty. It's kinda cold and creepy when you think about it. I start to shiver and hold me arms I think it must have been obvious what I was thinking because the next thing I know.


"Aieeeee! I mean. Ahhhh! no, I mean. ugh, get lost Goat!" I say trying not to seem embarrassed.

"Awww was someone scared," Capricorn teased.

"Give it a rest!" I tell her and she walks towards Scorpio who's giggling. I overhear their conversation.

"I didn't think you were one to course drama," He says smirking at the earth sign.

"Oh that wasn't drama that was payback, I've only known him for a few hours and I already know I hate him." she says thinking she's all that.

"How do you know?" Scorpio asks the goat.

"We didn't exactly get off to the best start, did we, Aries?" She says and they both turn to face me. Crap I didn't know they knew I was listening. I shoot her one last glare before storming off. I can here Scorpio laughing behind me. As I walk away I pass Virgo who appears to be killing Scorpio with his eyes. I don't get whats up with him.

I decided to go to Gemini to apologise for not helping her when she woke up in Scorpios lap. I walk over to her and see her laughing with Pieces as they try to cheer up Cancer who was having another mental breakdown.

"Cancer it'll be alright, Virgo and Capricorn are really smart they'll get us home," Gemini says trying to stop the sign from crying. Ugh, I swear there's no escaping that stupid goat, even Gemini worships her.

"Hey, Gemini can I talk to you for a minute," I ask urging the sign away from her friends. She is reluctant but comes with me.

"What is it Aries, I should really be helping Cancer," Gemini says, Ugh she's so kind generous.

"I know, I know, it's just I wanted to apologise about how I didn't do anything to help you when you first woke up and Scorpio was teasing you," I say trying to get it over and done with.

"Oh! Is that what this is about?" She says in surprise and immediately starts hugging me.

"Wha-What!" I stammer out in surprise.

"You don't need to feel guilty about it. It wasn't your response ability and I guess I did overreact a bit-." Her speech was cut off by Virgo screaming and begin to let go of the hug as we both turn to face him.

"What's with you?"

"hah! you think you overreacted, you should have seen Capricorn and Virgo." I say still watching their argument.

"Oh yeah! Cancer said you knew something about that. What's up with them." Gemini asked eyes full of excitement at the thought of drama.

"Well, I was the first one to wake up, when I did everyone else was sleeping. Virgo woke up after me and we saw Capricorn asleep, but it looked like she was having a bad dream so like you were with Scorpio, Virgo rest Capricorns head on his lap. She woke up not long after and freaked out. I don't think she trust us because we saw her weak or something because Taurus woke up next and they seem to get along pretty well." I explain to the air sign and she seems to understand.

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