Cubed Chapter 14: We Have Been Chosen To Fight...

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Virgo's POV:

I saw her fall. She fell down to fight that monster again and there was nothing I could do to stop it from happening. I ran to ward the hole she felt down as I watch the ground fall out from behind her feet and I saw her suddenly yank down as if the sort of feel you feel just before the lift stops. When I got to the hole I saw her fall with three other signs around her but I was only watching her. She had far in her eyes as she looked up at me from bellow before turning around to face where she was sure to land. One again darkness separates us and she disppers. I look over the and and Taurus runs up behind me.
"Cancer! Cancer!" I hear him yell the volume increasing every time. The others called for them as well but I didn't listen. I didn't know what to do but I wasn't going to let her face that thing with me there. It hurt her once before and it's not hurting her again. I stood up and walked away from the edge before turning around, running forward towards it and jumping down the hole.

"Virgo, no stop!" I heard Scorpio call but I didn't listen I knew I had to get to her.

Capricorn's POV:

I hit the ground hard but I didn't feel anything I was too afraid of what was to come. I got up as quickly as I could and look around to see who else was chosen. Right next to me I saw Libra and I went to see if she was ok.

"Libra are you hurt badly?" I asked as I helped her up.
"No, I'm fine," she said puffing with fear and the look straight into my eyes.

"This means we have to fight that monster doesn't," she asks and takes my silence as a yes I look around to see who else is here, I see Cancer and immediately run over to him. Then I Leo to the left of me.
"Libra, you help Leo," I say as I go to Cancer. I help him up and ask if his ok. He nods before standing up. It was so strange falling it was light and I saw Virgo looking down at me. Then it went black for a bit before we fell even further and it was light again. I don't understand this place. We were in a maze again and it was defiantly the same one as before, but how can it be when we walked so far away from it. Cancer was sore and he leant his weight against me and then I hear a long scream come from above and I see someone fall down next to us. By the girlish scream and the complaining of pain, I heard when he hit the ground I knew it was Virgo. I slowly but excitedly lowered Cancer to the ground before running over to him.

"Virgo!" I yell as I kneel down beside him. He rolls over to his back and sits up.

"Are you ok?" I ask and he sighs.

"Yeah," realising what he did I got angry.

"Then why the hell did you come down here?" I ask hitting him on the arm.
"Hey, ouch, stop it," he says and I stop hitting him.
"As if falling down here didn't hurt enough, you have to hit on the arm," he says and I quickly hug him.

"You idiot," I mutter as he hugs me back.
"I know, I know," he teases and I punch him in the stomach playfully.

Scorpio's POV:

Capricorn and Libra went down... Then Virgo jumped in after him. Taurus had the same idea in mind but I wasn't about to get stuck by myself. He stepped back for a run-up and I called to Aires.

"Aries, Hold him!" I yelled and Aries went up behind him to hold him back he was fighting a bit so Pisces helped. They hold him back as he calls for Cancer and the ground starts to rise again and the hole closes with a bang. Taurus was angry.

"Ahhhh! The stupid Voice! It can't keep doing this to us! It keeps splitting us up! It keeps doing these stupid things!" He yells as he turns around and starts kicking the ground. Everyone was silent and scared.

"Your right," I said and Taurus stopped kicking the ground and they all turned to me.

"What?" Aries asked confused.
"His right, it's not fair. The stupid game is trying to split us up to determine a winner and a loser and it's not fair," I say with anger.

"Remember what Capricorn said at the beginning we're?" I asked but no one answered.
"She said we were all going to win and that still stands," I say trying to make them understand.

"Yeah, but what can we do?" Sagittarius asked with clear pain in her eyes.

"Leo and the others, they're the ones who were chosen. We can't get to them," she says and I look towards the ground in silence when I see the truth in her words.

"Maybe we can," I hear Gemini say from behind me.
"How?" I asked and she stepped forward to explain her theory.

"Well, how did we get to them last time they were in the maze?" She asked with excitement.

"They used the ladder to get to us," Taurus said not really getting.

"Exactly, all we have to do is find a ladder that goes down and get to them," she says thinking she came up with some Guinness plan.

"But, Gemini, this path is massive the next ladder could be miles away," Aires explains.

"But it's not me and Aquarius saw heaps, she should know when the next one is," Gemini says and we all turn to Aquarius.

"She right, according to the privies occurrence of ladders the next one should be about 700 meters ahead," she says and we all smile with hope.

"Well, what are we waiting for, how are you at long distance sprints?" Taurus asks before running off down the path and we all follow after him.

Aries POV:

We were running towards the ladder and I notice Gemini was quite back so I went to check on her.

"Hey, good job, you know, the ladder idea," I say stumbling on my own.

"Thanks," she says giggling innocently.

"Hey! Guys, it's here!" Taurus called out from up ahead. We gave each other a smile before racing over to the others. When we got there the smile from Taurus face vanished.

"Whats wrong?" I asked concerned.

"How are we gonna find them in this maze? It's massive! Ugh, I should have known it wouldn't work!" Taurus says starting to boil again. Just then I remembered something.

"Wait, don't worry," I say and take the map Capricorn and I had used out of my bag.

"It's the map, Cap said to keep in in case. We can use it to navigate our way to back to where they fell. They probably aren't far from there," I say as I unfold the map and I hear Taurus sigh in relief. We all went do the ladder towards where we thought they'd be.

That's all for this chapter. Let me now what you thought in the comments. Until next time, cya!

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