Imagine 4

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~You're Pregnant:Dallas~

You looked at the pregnancy test and saw a pink positive. You were in your bathroom crying only because you knew your boyfriend wouldn't accept the baby. He didn't like kids and here you are pregnant with his child. Of course you wanted to keep your child but you knew Dallas wouldn't. The first thing you thought was that you were going to hide the pregnancy and possibly avoid him but you knew it wouldn't be for long. You had a bad feeling about what Dallas is going to say when you tell him. You knew it was now or never and headed out the door down to Buck's.
You walk into the room to see Dallas sitting on his bed smoking a cigarette.

"Hey Dallas"

"Hey doll, come here" he said patting the bed.

You sat down on the bed and gave him a kiss.

"What's the matter"

You couldn't even look him in the eyes.

"(Y/n)...what's the matter"

"Oh something's the matter alright"

"Did I do something to upset you again?"

"No but what I'm going to tell you might upset you"

Dallas started to look worried.

"Go on"

"But remember what you told me last week? How you won't ever leave me, you'll stick with me no matter what?"

"Yes, of course"

"Well keep that in your mind as I tell you this....I'm pregnant"

"I'm sorry what? Say that again"

"You heard me the first time Dallas"

He went silent.

"Dally?...oh c'mon, say something"

"Wow...this is some news"

"Okay, what about the baby?"

"Look (y/n)....I already love the kid don't get me wrong and I want to help care for it-"

"He/she is not an it"

"Okay, I want to help with my son or daughter but...I'm just not ready for that big of a responsibility"

"I knew it" you said getting up going to the door

"(Y/n) wait baby girl-"

"No, you obviously can't care for a child that is also your responsibility, I didn't make our child alone and now you want to bail."

"I'm just not ready"

"Yeah, I knew I shouldn't have told you. Bye Dallas"


But before he could say anything else, you were out the door.

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