Preference 17

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             ~Going Baby Shopping~

Ponyboy: You got weird looks from everyone in the store. Well because you're a pregnant child shopping with your child's baby daddy who is also a child. You didn't care what looks they gave you and neither did Pony. He was really enjoying baby shopping with you, amazed by all the tiny clothes and all the baby merchandise they carry.

"How cute would our baby look in this? And this is so cute! I think our baby will look cute with these shoes"

"I think you're enjoying baby shopping more than me Ponyboy haha"

"I mean look at all these small clothes! How can a human be that tiny?"

"First time baby shopping I'm guessing?"

"Oh yeah definitely, oh babe look at all these pacifiers. They have so much of everything here"

You couldn't help but laugh at Pony's amusement with the baby stuff. If he's this excited for baby clothes and binkies and stuff, imagine when your baby comes.

Sodapop: You went to the local baby store and decided to get clothes and a crib while you're there, maybe even other things.

"I think our baby girl will love this" Soda said pointing to a pink stuffed bunny.

"I think she will Sodapop, since her daddy picked it out"

"I can wait for her to get here, I'm going to take shopping all the time."

"Don't spoil our baby too much hon, we don't want her being big headed"

"Oh no she won't, her parents will set her straight. Oh! Look at these overalls! She's going to look so cute in these"

"Surprisingly, you have good taste in baby clothes"

"Well I'm going to have to learn when she comes into this world"

"Maybe next you can learn how to do her hair for when she goes to school"

"Can I?!"

"Of course babe, gives me more time off mom duty"


You laughed as Soda attacked you with kisses.

Darry: You thought Darry wouldn't be excited or into baby shopping but he seemed more into it than you.

"I think these are cute shoes. Oh! They would match with this dress"

"How about this bow to go with it?"

"Perfect! Our baby is going to be stylish, like her daddy"

"Keep dreaming Darry, she'll be more like her mom"

"We'll see about that cause she's going to be a daddy's girl"

"Psh, okay"

He laughed and gave you a kiss before walking over to the crib section.

"I think this will be a good crib for her. Of course whenever I have time I'm going to build it"

"With your schedule, I think the baby will be here before you have time to build it" you joked

"No no, I'm going to make time for my little girl and my other favorite girl"

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