Imagine 8

846 9 1

         ~You go into labor:Ponyboy~

You were over at his house, helping him study for his math test coming up.

"Would the answer be....17?"

"Correct!" You said giving him a kiss

You made a deal with him that every answer he got right, he got a kiss. So far he missed none. Darry doesn't know that's the method you use but he sure thinks you're one hell of a tutor for Pony. You started to feel uncomfortable in your stomach, but being pregnant you thought it was normal.

"Okay, what did you get for this problem?"

"Would it be....27?"

"Correct!" You gave him another kiss and then felt a sharp pain and felt your pants wet.

"(Y/n)? Oh my gosh did you pee?!"

"No! My water broke! Hurry, call Darry!"

Ponyboy helped you up and sat you down on his bed. He ran to Darry and was telling how you're going into labor. Sodapop and Pony helped you in the car while Darry was waiting in the driver's seat.

"Okay, just breathe" Soda said holding your hand and breathing with you.

Pony looked like he was going to pass out.

"Pony! Hold my hand!" 

Pony was holding onto your hand tight. He was freaking out as much as you.
You were lying in bed, holding Pony's hand. You were in pain, a lot. The nurse let you get epidural since you couldn't take the pain anymore.

"How are you doing?" Pony asked

"Oh you know, about to have a baby and I'm in pain, I'm doing horrible!"

"Okay okay, geesh"

"Okay (y/n), it's time to push" said the nurse.

You looked at Pony with fear.

"You got this babe"

Pony held your hand as you began to push.

"Keep going, you're doing great" said the nurse

Pony looked like he was going to pass out.

"Pony! Don't you dare pass out!"

"One more push"

You screamed and cried as you gave a big push. You heard crying and saw Pony's face change from fear to joy. You saw your baby in the nurses hands and you started to cry.

"Here he is, your healthy baby boy"

Pony kisses you and was crying also.

"He's beautiful" he said, "I love you"

"I love you too" you said

You were a sweaty mess but you didn't care at that moment. Pony cut your son's umbilical chord and you held your baby in your arms.

The gang later came in to see your son and Sodapop and Darry were crying. Johnny was amazed with him and couldn't put him down, Two-Bit was making funny faces at him, Steve was too afraid to drop him, and Dallas well he didn't want to hold him at first but once he did, he couldn't put him down.

Ocean Mason Curtis, Born October 13 at 3 am

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