Preference 22

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      ~Cute Moment With Your Baby~

Ponyboy: Your baby is already 2 months and so far, Pony has been doing a great job as a dad. He was still scared though but he was doing a great job. You went over to the Curtis house so Pony could see his son. You guys are too young to move into a house together so you visit each other every chance you get. You were in his room with your baby in the carrier and Pony was doing homework.

"Hey Pony, I have to use the bathroom. Watch Ocean for me"

"Okay babe"

You went to use the bathroom and enjoyed your 2 minutes to yourself since you've been on your feet since Ocean was born. You could hear Ocean crying from the bathroom and went to go see if Ponyboy needed help. As you walked closer, he stopped crying. You slowly approached the door and looked into the room seeing Pony rocking Ocean back and forth and talking to him.

"Thatta boy. It's okay Ocean, daddy has you. You don't need to cry. You know your mommy wouldn't want you crying-wait...oh gross! Smells like someone made a boom boom"

You tried not to laugh when he said boom boom. Ponyboy laid Ocean on a blanket on the ground and digged in the baby bag for the diapers, wipes, and powder.

"I'm sure this is what I'm going to need, I mean what's the worse that can happen? Okay we're just going to unwrap your diaper-ech! Okay I don't know what your mom is feeding you"

Pony takes the diaper and puts it in the trash like it's a bomb.

"Okay, I just have to wipe you...Am I doing a good job so far son?"

Ocean just made a cooing sound.

"I'm going to take that as a yes! Okay now I hope this powder doesn't get-shit! I'll clean that later, now we just seal up your diaper annnnnddd you're all set little buddy. Your daddy did a great job" he said holding up your son and looking at the diaper on his son.

"You did a great job Ponyboy, I should be letting you do diaper duty from now on" you said waking into the room

"Keep dreaming (y/n)"

Sodapop: You went to the diner since you didn't feel like cooking. It would've been your daughter's first time out at the diner. She actually loved the music and the noise. She was clapping her hands and smiling all big with her toothless grin. Sodapop loved seeing her like that.

"We should do this more often, she loves it"

"We should, she's just like her daddy. Smiling big all the time and laughing"

"Told you she's just like her daddy" he said poking her stomach.

She laughed and was hitting her high chair in excitement. Sodapop was feeding her food and of course she was making a mess.

"Oh princess, you don't want to be messy like your mommy"

"Heeeyyyy!" You said throwing a fry at him.

Your daughter laughed at you doing that so Sodapop put milkshake on her nose. She made a surprised look and Soda went to tickle her.

"That's what you get for laughing at daddy"

Harley squealed with delight. Soda was making funny faces at her and tickling her. You just watched them and smiled. Oh, how you loved your little family.

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