Imagine 11

552 8 1

          ~You go into labor: Dally~

You were over at Buck's up in Dally's room. You go there a lot and it seemed to be your second home. You sat on the bed, exhausted from standing. Dally sat next to you and was rubbing your stomach.

"Wow...I made this" Dally said

"Yeah and you always refer to our daughter as an it or a this"

"Sorry, it's a habit"

You felt the sheets go wet and you grabbed Dally's arm.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"Take me to the hospital now!"

"Jesus Christ! Okay, come on" Dally helped you up and was looking for the keys to the car.

"Where are the fucking keys?!"

"I have them, now hurry before I have our daughter on your bedroom floor!"

"I'm coming, damn it!"

"Don't yell at me, I'm having your child!"

"Don't yell at me!"
You were breathing heavily, trying to ease the pain. Dally was standing there, not knowing what to do.

"They uh said to give you these ice chips"

"I don't want any"

"Suit yourself"

Dally held your hand and kissed this.

"I'm ready to meet our daughter"

You smiled up at him.

"Okay (y/n), it's time to push"

Dally was standing there, looking clueless.

"Dallas!" You said with your hand stretched out

"Oh!" He held your hand

You were pushing and screaming. Dallas looked scared just standing there looking at you push.

"Keep going, you're doing great" said the doctor

"She's almost here" Dallas said in amazement

You kept pushing and pushing until it was time for your final push. You heard crying and you looked down to see your baby in the doctor's hands.

"Here's your healthy baby girl" said the doctor

Dallas was smiling big and kissed you.

"Mr. Winston, want to cut her umbilical chord?"

Dallas seemed scared at first but did a successful job at it.

"Here she is..." Dallas said holding her.

"She has your nose" you said to him.

"Yeah but she's beautiful like her mom"

The gang came in later and let's just say they couldn't believe Dallas has a kid. But they instantly loved her, especially Johnny.

Austin Harper Winston, Born December 10 at 2 am

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