Chapter 3

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Louis ran a hand through his hair, sweat dripping down his forehead. He pushed the tractor tire into another flip and it smacked the dirt ground, popping up a cloud of dust.

He sighed, stretching his arms behind his back. His back cracked and he sighed again in relief.

He sat on the tire, grabbing his water bottle and taking a long gulp of the cold water. He set it down and sighed for a third time.

He wiped his dirty hands onto his already dirt covered jeans. More sweat dropped off his hair and onto the ground below him.

The summer heat was scorching, reaching a high of 80. Louis used his tank top to wipe the excess sweat off his forehead.

His was told by his dad to move the tractor tires across the field to the guy that needed them. Usually he would like the worker drive them over, but with yesterday's slip up with the oil, he had to push them over.

He gripped his water bottle tighter at the thought of yesterday. Eleanor had somehow switched the bottles up twice without him noticing.

He took another angry gulp of the water and stood up, lifting the tire up and pushing it forward again. He groaned, sore. This was the last tire and he had been out in the field more than two hours shoving each tire to the farm.

He finally reached the house and collected his pay. He finished his water bottle on the walk back and threw it in the trash as he plopped into his chair. He set the money on his desk, debating if he'd give it to his dad later or not.

His thoughts were interrupted when his dad walked over, wiping his hands on a towel. Louis looked up to him and said, "Cash is right there."

His dad merely nodded and set the towel down, pulling a stool over and sitting on it. Louis frowned, knowing he was getting another lecture.

His dad sighed and got the money and counted it first, giving Louis time to relax and think over responses to whatever his dad was going to say.

He pocketed the money and started off, "Louis about yesterday..."

Louis interrupted him with a sigh and said, "I already know dad. And I told you what happened."

His dad raised a suspicious eyebrow and said, "You honestly want me to believe that Eleanor would set her dad's car on fire?"

Louis rolled his eyes and said, "No, she doesn't care about the car. She cares about revenge."

His dad sighed and ran a hand through his hair, messing it up more. He told him standing, "Just get back to work Louis. Don't let it happen again."

Louis opened his mouth to argue more, but bit his mouth shut when his dad had begun to walk away. He turned to face his desk and time sheet.

He crossed off the tractor and noticed his next customer needed his right headlight fixed. He got out of his chair just as the customer pulled into the garage.

He got out and greeted him and told him he could wait in the main room. The man walked away as Louis proceeded to put bricks behind the tires. The ground was wet some how and he wanted to be extra careful.

Louis grabbed the guy's keys and put them in, turning the car on. He put the blinker on and made sure the car was in park before climbing out. He went to the front of the car and saw the blinker was blinking too fast.

He knew what to do and looked around to see if anyone was there. He noticed no one and went out of the garage into the main area to get the special tool to loosen the headlight.

While searching, the man came up and asked, "Is it going to be good? You can fix it?"

Louis smiled and nodded saying, "Yup, it should be done shortly."

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