Chapter 8

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Harry buttoned his dress shirt up, checking the mirror one last time. He put a hand through his neatly brushed hair, making it a little tousled. He brushed the wrinkles out if his shirt and grabbed his car keys.

He called out to his dad, who was on the couch, "I'm going out for a few."

His dad didn't reply, just gave him a curt nod. Harry walked out the door and got into his car.

He put in the keys and turned the ignition on. While pulling out of the driveway, his mind began to race.

He was about to face the man he had put in jail; the man who had ruined his life.

His life was better now, besides the nightmares. He had put Leon and Ryan behind him, but they kept sneaking up on him. And now, he would have to face one of them.

He calmed himself down as he made his way to the jail. He kept fixing his hair at every red light he hit, hoping to not look afraid.

But who was he kidding? Not Leon for sure. He was scared; scared to face his past again.

He bit his lip, wondering about the trial coming up for tomorrow. He would've had to face Leon anyways. It was better he was confronting him now to get the nerves out of his system.

He finally pulled up to the jail, slowing to a stop at the gate. He rolled his window down as an officer leaned in and asked, "Name, sir?"

"Harry Styles," he replied, "I'm here for a visit."

The officer nodded and leaned out telling his partner in the booth. After a few seconds, the gate opened and the officer told him, "Have a good day Mr. Styles."

He nodded to him and drove through to the parking lot. He took his keys out and climbed out, looking at the building before him.

The sun hit the building head on, making a dark shadow fall upon the cement in front. He swallowed hard, trying to calm himself down.

Don't show Leon you're afraid, he kept repeating to himself and as he walked through the front doors.

He fixed his dress shirt again and swept another hand through his hair as he walked up to the front desk. The man looked up and asked, "Name?"

Harry repeated his name and the man said, "Sit there for a minute while we go get Leon."

He nodded and went and sat down in a chair as the men at the desk paged somebody.

Harry looked up to the clock on the wall, hearing the tick of it and the sounds of the man's fingers swipe across the keyboard.

The door opened and Harry looked to his left as a man walked out. They made eye contact, and the man froze in his steps to watch him. Harry shrank under the man's hard gaze and looked away.

The man watched him for a few more, hands clenching and unclenching as he walked up to the desk. The two talked as Harry watched.

Harry recognized the frame of the man's face and the hair color. He couldn't put a name on him though; so he just continued to watch him talk to the man at the desk.

The door opened again and a man stepped out saying, "Harry Styles, we're ready for you."

He stood up, noticing that the man that had walked out of the door was now watching him. Harry swallowed hard and walked quickly through the doors.

The door shut behind him and the guard. The guard said, "This way," and led Harry to a table where Leon sat, looking bored.

The guard stood back at the door as Harry slowly walked up to the table. His heart began to pound the closer he got. He stopped in front of the table and Leon looked up.

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