Chapter 5

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Harry shifted, the fleece blanket causing static to course through it. He groaned and stretched as he sat up. He sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair.

He checked the clock to see it was almost nine. He sighed, his head pounding from the night before.

As he climbed out of bed, he made a mental note to never drink Russian vodka - or any vodka for that matter.

He drug himself to the shower and took long, hot one. He dried his hair quickly and dressed in sweats with a hoodie. He didn't bother with the contacts and just swooshed his hair up messily. He grabbed his backpack and walked out of his dorm.

He reached the room, it chilly from the air conditioning. He sat down, rubbing his temples. In his rush out, he forgot to grab aspirin.

"Never hang out with Niall again..." He mumbled to himself. A bottle appeared on his desk and he checked it out before looking up.

Niko smiled down to him and asked, "Rough night?"

Harry popped a pill out and swallowed it saying, "You don't know the half of it. Thanks."

Niko nodded and pocketed the bottle adding, "You're welcome. I usually charge, but I'll let you off the hook this once."

Harry chuckled a little. "Still in the business? I thought you wanted a clean slate?"

Niko sat next to him, smiling. "I do. I'm just selling over the counter stuff to the students that don't wanna leave campus to go get it. Such a hassle, ya know?"

Harry chuckled more and said, "I guess so."

The bell rang, ending their conversation. Harry zoned out after the presentation, work given to them. He recognized last night, he didn't have any nightmares from his past last night. The alcohol must've buzzed it out.

He smiled a bit. He was relieved to not have the dreams, but upset drinking had solved it.

The bell rang, signaling the ending of the class period. Harry stood up, his backpack packed. Mr. Follo stopped him and asked, "Harry? Do you have your presentation?"

Harry stopped dead in his tracks and whispered, "Shit," under his breath.

Mr. Follo raised an eyebrow at his language but let it go. Harry looked to him and said, "I'm sorry Mr. Follo, but it's not done. I have one part to finish. I meant to finish it last night but..."

"But you had a rough night?" Mr. Follow guessed with a tight smile.

Harry's face faltered, a frown settling on his face. He said, "Rough couple nights actually..."

Mr. Follo's smiles tightened more along with the hard look in his eyes. He asked, "Let me guess, discover the college life?"

Harry frowned and said, "Yesterday I had a few drinks, sir. Nothing to big. A couple shots, I swear. It was the type of alcohol. But-"

Mr. Follo held his hand up and said, "I do not need to know about your personal life. It it's no concern of mine. Your school work is."

Harry felt a little pang at that. He got angry too. What did he know about his personal life? Nothing! He knew nothing of what he had been through!

He gritted his teeth and said, "You have no idea what kind of hell I have been through this past year. You will not judge me on one mistake I have made in one day. I have made a few big mistakes in the past. This is minor. Do. Not. Judge. Me."

And with that, he strut out of the door. He left Mr. Follo agape and Niko laughing behind him.

Niko soon joined him and asked, "Dude! What was that about?"

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