Chapter 14

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Harry walked down the familiar street on his way to the local party store. His dad needed some batteries for the TV remote.

The night was young; the sun just starting to set behind the trees. A light wind ruffled his loose curls on his head as he pushed his glasses back on to the bridge of his nose. He hadn't bothered gelling his hair down or swooshed up tonight.

Of course, he hadn't planned on going out either.

Stuffing his hands into his pockets, he turned right off the block he was walking on. The familiar store came into view, the street lights starting to flicker to life.

Approaching the store's doors, he felt a chill spread over his body. He looked to his left, also seeing the familiar alley that still haunted his nightmares. His grip on the door handle loosened as he let go slowly.

He turned to the alley, walking in front of it. Peering into the darkness, he got a sense of déjà vu.

Spinning around on his heels, his heart jumped into his throat at a familiar face staring him down from across the street.

Trying to appear calm, he began making his way to the store as fast as he could. His hand barely rested on the door handle as someone's hand grabbed his shoulder and spun him around.

Blocking his face was his first instinct; kicking out his second. However, his feet made no contact with anything.

He peeked out behind his arms to see an amused Ryan. Slowly lowering his arms he asked, "How are you here? Why are you here?"

Ryan's amusement just seemed to rise at Harry's question instead of answering them. He finally told him, "Isn't it obvious? I'm here for you."

Taking a step back- not that it did much with the door behind him, Harry asked, "Alright then, how are you here? You're suppose to be jail!"

Ryan smiled this time making Harry's fear rise. He looked around before telling Harry, "You're right, I should be in jail. But there are more important things than sitting in jail right now."

Licking his lips and trying to find a walking stranger for help, he came up blank. Noticing this, Ryan let out a half hearted laugh. It made Harry's skin crawl in fear.

Ryan shook his head, obviously amused. He watched the sun barely peaking out behind the trees while he smiled sadly. Turning to Harry he said, "This will be fun."

Before Harry could open his mouth to speak, Ryan punched him hard across the face. Falling in shock and tripping over a bump in the sidewalk, Harry fell to the floor.

He smacked his head on the pavement, blacking out immediately.

Waking up to a black room, Harry tried to come to his senses. His head was pounding, making it hard to concentrate.

Suddenly, a bright light filled the room making him squint. Ryan entered the room, grinning from ear to ear.

Harry watched as he sat down the line desk in the room. He made a move to stand up, but found himself tied to the leg of a table.

Ryan, smiling down to him, told him, "I brought you a gift."

Confused and not willing to play his games, Harry didn't answer. This only seemed to amuse Ryan, his eyes sparkling with mischief. He called out, "Bring him in."

His door swung open and two bulky guys came in, dragging someone in between them. They tossed the guy to the floor and walked back out, slamming the door.

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