Chapter 6

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Harry was walking down the familiar street that held the familiar liquor store. He paused in front of it and looked at the flickering OPEN sign.

He stuffed his hands in his front pockets and turned away from it, walking down the street again. He paused once again in front of a familiar alley.

He looked down it, the blackness daunting him to enter it. He shuddered as the memories sped through his vision. He shut his eyes tightly, forcing the images out of his head.

He turned his head from the alley as he opened his eyes. He jumped back, gripping his shirt where his heart began to beat too fast.

An unknown figure stood in front of him, covered by the shadows. Harry's calmed his beating heart and said, "You scared me. Sorry if I was in your way."

The man in front of him just smirked and said with a rough edge to his voice, "No no, excuse me."

Harry was confused and said, "But I was in your way I should-"

The next words never left his mouth as someone behind him wrapped a cloth around his mouth, silencing him. He pulled at it, eyes going wide with fear.

The man in front of him smirked more saying as Harry's vision got blurry, "You didn't let me finish. Excuse me for what I'm about to do."

As soon as the last word passed the man's lips, Harry's vision went black. He passed out.

Harry jolted awake, hands restrained behind his back. He looked around the dark office, trying to find any source of information.

A light suddenly turned on, illuminating a man sitting at a desk across from him. He moved forward to stand, to be out of the light's rays. Harry frowned, not able to identify the man before him; his kidnapper.

The man ran a finger down a board which seemed to be filled with papers and photos. Harry tried to lean forward to see, but found himself handcuffed to pole sticking out of the wall.

He sighed, drawing the attention of the man in front of him. He drew his attention away from the board and to Harry. The man faced him, placing his hands clasped behind his back.

The man spoke before Harry, "You're probably wondering why you're here. That's understandable. I will tell you why you're here."

The man inched closer to Harry, not before Harry heard the click of a gun, and the familiar feeling of cold steel against his head. He froze where he was handcuffed as the man smirked more.

The man said, "You're here because you're the reason Rick is dead. You could've stopped it. You could've killed the man who killed Rick. But now all he's doing is jail time."

Harry bit his lip and said, "But Leon being killed would be less of a punishment than being in jail for the rest of his life."

The man studied Harry for a minute and said, "Sure, but Leon doesn't care. He only cares about hurting others; even if from a jail cell. He has contacts on the outside. Do you think you're safe?"

Harry's heart skipped a beat in fear as he swallowed hard. The man continued, "You wouldn't be safe if he was killed anyway. Leon got his fair punishment, you're correct on that. But not you. Community service? Pathetic."

Harry was speechless. He was staring at the man as he paced back and forth. The man told him, "So I'm taking it into my own hands. You will pay for Rick's death. Goodbye Harry."

Harry opened his mouth to plead, but the only thing that came out of his mouth was a strangled scream as the gun fired a bullet through his head.

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