Chapter 4

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Harry set his phone down on the table sighing. He had just gotten off the phone with Louis. Eleanor had just attacked the company again. She had pulled the bricks from behind a car, almost sending it into on coming traffic.

Louis had just gotten off work and was flustered. Harry had called him when he knew Louis got off. Harry was troubled to hear the strain in Louis' voice.

They talked over the incident and Harry had comforted Louis in the end and said that he can end El's revenge soon enough. She would eventually get bored with it if he didn't react badly to it.

Harry hoped Louis would take his advice. He knew how rocky his relationship was with his dad and he didn't want a crazy ex girlfriend ruining it.

He got out, checking the clock to see it was nearing six. He grabbed his jacket, the night cooling down. He zipped it up and grabbed his keys with his ID. He pocketed his wallet and exited his dorm.

He was walking down the hall when he heard a familiar voice shout, "Harvey! Wait up!"

Harry frowned at the misuse of his name but turned around to see the familiar blonde walking over. The blonde smiled brightly, showing off pearly whites.

Harry sighed and said, "Hey Niall. Never thought I'd see you here."

Niall chuckled at his joke and slung an arm around Harry's shoulders. He began walking with Harry and said, "Yeah, me too!"

Harry rolled his eyes slightly and asked, "So what are you doing here?"

Niall grinned and said, "I was offered a full ride here, Harvey!" Harry ignored the name as Niall continued, "So I accepted it! I even started a few games!"

Harry smiled and said, "Well I'm glad it worked out for you."

Niall smiled more and said, "Yeah, me too! So what are you doing tonight?"

Harry said, "Well, I was about to go eat. Then I have to finish a mini project for a business class."

Niall looked down to Harry and said, "So free right?"

Harry's brows furrowed together and said, "Uh, Niall, no-"

"Perfect! C'mon! There's a party in my room! You can eat there and meet some of the team. They'll love you!" Niall basically screamed as he dragged Harry to his room down the hall.

Harry started to protest until Niall opened his door saying, "Let go for one night. College isn't all about studying and learning. It can be fun."

He swung his door open and was immediately greeted by cheers. He turned his grin back on and walked in, pushing harry forward.

One guy, a girl on his lap, asked, "Why'd you bring a nerd? I forgot my homework."

Harry gritted his teeth and snapped back, "I wouldn't do your homework anyway."

The guy just laughed and grabbed his beer saying, "Great comeback nerd."

Harry's teeth gritted more at the use of the word 'nerd'. He only tolerated it when Louis called him it because it was his pet/nick name.

Harry turned to face Niall and said, "If you brought me here for a form of entertainment, I'll just let myself out."

Niall frowned and grabbed Harry's arm as he tried to push past him. He told him, "Hey! I'd never treat you like that, Harvey. You know that. Brad's just a dick."

Harry snorted and said, "I noticed."

Brad, the guy from before, frowned and told Niall, "Hey man, why are you sticking up for him? Do you even know him?"

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