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*2 weeks later*

Harry was finally home, in bed resting up from the wounds. He had been released one week ago, but was restricted to his bed at home. He was only allowed slight movements and a short walk every day for exercise. He was told no heavy lifting for awhile and wasn't allowed until he was cleared by his doctor. After then, he would start short physical therapy sessions for his shoulder.

For now, he did college at home on the computer. It was nice. Class was online and he could take his time with the notes, not having to fret over missing one.

His door opened and a singing, smiling Louis barged in. "Harry! It's time for our date!"

Harry chuckled to himself as he continued to write his paper. "This is, what number now?"


Harry rolled his eyes more, a smile appearing on his lips. He also enjoyed his little walks through the local park with Louis every day. Louis had called them all dates.

Harry joked, "You know, these dates are getting kind of repetitive. You need to step up your game."

Louis was fixing his hair in the mirror, snorting in response. "If I could have you actually go to a restaurant or movie, trust me, I would."

Not until Louis turned around, did Harry see his fashion choice today. He raised an eyebrow in response and asked, "A tux?"

Louis fixed his tie and said, "Still repetitive?"

Rolling his eyes again, Harry told him, "It's 70 degrees Louis, you're going to sweat to death."

Offering him a smile, Louis replied, "And all for you!" That earned him another eye roll and he added, "Now, get out of bed lazy bum!"

Harry shut his laptop and set it off to the side and slowly climbed out of bed. He put his shoes on and took Louis' outstretched hand.

They exited the house and crossed over into the park. Louis entwined their fingers as they slowly walked through the park. Kids were playing on the playground while parents watched from the picnic tables.

They made their way to the familiar bench (Louis called it their bench), that they occupied every day after their short walk.

Both sat in silence, enjoying it. Harry watched the kids at play while Louis ran his thumb over his hand to soothe his nerves. Being out in the open had become nerve wrecking for Harry with the past experiences with Ryan.

This was daily; it happened every day the same way. Harry would watch the kids play, and Louis would soothe his nerves. They would talk on and off, but they mostly stayed silent to listen to the sounds around them. It was simple, but nice. And Harry liked it.

From all the chaos that had happened to them in the past fews, he liked the slow, non-eventful parts of his life more. And Louis understood that.

Harry was watching two kids pretending the wood chips were lava when Louis said, "It's finally all over."

They hadn't talked about the incident with Leon and Ryan since the hospital. It brought Harry nightmares and made him more nervous. Harry didn't respond as Louis looked to him. "Is it okay to talk about?"

Harry stayed silent for a few before answering, "Yes."

Louis smiled a bit, sadness dwelling in it. He took his other hand and clasped it over the one already in his hand. Harry looked to them, feeling his fears being pushed down at the mention of the incident.

Louis offered him another tiny smile, one of comfort, and said, "All those from our past, they're gone. They're all behind bars or in the ground."

Harry thought back to Nick, or who had changed his name to Niko, who was attending at the same college as him. He had told him that he was starting over, but Harry couldn't know if that was the truth or not. They had no bad ties in the past to rise any fears.

Harry looked to Louis with a small smile saying, "Yup, it's finally all over."

Louis returned to rubbing his thumb over Harry's hand as he replied, "We can relax, enjoy going out at night without worrying Ryan's there to jump down our throats, and more!"

Harry chuckled at Louis' attempt to make his nerves calm. Harry asked, "What Eleanor?"

Louis grinned big and said, "Oh, I never got to tell you! I showed my dad the tapes and, obviously, he forgave me. He went and showed Mr. Calder the tapes earlier this week."

Harry looked back to the kids playing and asked, "And?"

Louis laughed full heartedly, making Harry's heart skip a beat, and told him, "He told me Mr. Calder was appalled. He told El to come down and apologize to my father and then to me later on the phone. She also has to pay for the damage she's done to the cars, like blowing engines and cutting those chains."

Harry said, "Serves her right," looking back to him with a smile.

He grinned back, entwining their fingers once again. He looked up to the sun and said, "She's out of the picture too. They're moving at the end of this month."

Harry was surprised by the news and asked, "Why?"

Louis looked to him and said, "I had the same look on my face when my father told me. It's Mr. Calder. He got transferred."

Harry nodded in understanding and asked, "What about her college?"

He shrugged and said, "Never cared enough to know where she was going after high school."

Harry teased, "You were a terrible boyfriend."

Louis raised an eyebrow at that and said, "She was a terrible girlfriend."

Harry laughed and said, "I know, I know. I'm just teasing you."

Louis grinned and told him, "You best be. I mean, I dressed in a tux in this blistering heat for you."

"I never told you to."

"Just appreciate that I actually decided to dress nice and put effort into my hair," Louis laughed back.

Harry looked up to his quiff and said, "The poor thing is melting in the heat."

Rolling his eyes, Louis stood up and pulled Harry with him gently. He told him as they began to walk again, "I may be in a tux, and I may be sweating my ass off, but I know for sure that ice cream sounds great."

Harry smiled to himself and said, "Now there's something new in our dates."

Louis looked to him with a chuckle. "You're lucky I love you," he told him.

Harry grinned and said, "I know, and I love you too."

Louis grinned big, kissing him sweetly.

It made Harry's insides melt; made his fingertips go numb. It consumed his mind and his being. It was short, sweet, and nice.

As Louis pulled back, the sun was set behind him, making Louis appear to be an angel. But Harry knew different. Louis was the exact opposite of an angel, and they had a past to prove it.

But that's why he loved him, and why Louis loved him.


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