Chapter 11

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Beauty's POV

I woke up at eleven and Tre was still sleeping. I got up and used the bathroom and jumped in the shower for 5 minutes until I heard hin crying. I hurried out and threw on my underwear and then I heard a familiar voice talking to him. "Shh. Mommy needs a break." Then he chuckled. I opened the door slowly and seen RJ on the bed with Tre rocking him back to sleep. I walked out and RJ looked at me and smiled. He stood up with Tre in his arms and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "I came to spend time with y'all two today. Then I go back home at 12." He put Tre down in the bed. "Only a day? Thats it?" I felt kind of down. "I'm sorry. But we got to talk about some things ma. Starting with breakfast. So go out there and get those two gift bags and boxes and come back in here." He smiled picking Tre up to wash him. I walked out the bedroom door and downstairs to find A big pink giftbag, a little blue one, and two sized boxes of shoes. I picked up all four and walked back upstairs. I sat the bags on the bed and opened mine first. It had a red crop top with sleeves, a dark wash jean jacket with a black hood, some black bandana joggers ,and my bred 11s from home. I put on the clothes and shoes when RJ was just bringing Tre out in a towel. I looked in the mirror putting my hair up in a high tucked bun. RJ put baby powder on him and his diaper. I walked to the bag and pulled out a cute pair of red jeans, a white polo button down with a red horse, and a black letterman cardigan. In the shoebox was "He Got Game 13s". The whole outfit was adorable. I took Tre from RJ and put on his clothes. I tucked his shirt in before putting on the sweater and I cuffed the red pants a little at the bottom. "Thanks for these clothes. You didn't have to." I smiled giving him Tre and picking up my phone, keys, and his babybag. We all walked down the stairs and out the door.

We got in my car and I handed RJ the keys. We headed downtown and we were looking around until we ran into an ihop.

We stepped in the door and it was packed. So, we turned around and drove across the street to Denny's. We walked in and got seated right away. We ordered our drinks and started to figure out what we were going to eat. "Why you came to visit?" I smiled at RJ. "I heard you bout to cry last night so I figured I come and see both of my babies." He said and then Tre started to whine. I handed him Tre's bottle and he was feeding him when the waiter came back. "Did you decide on what you wanted today?" He smiled staring me down. "Ahem. I want a stack of pancakes." RJ said taking his attention. I giggled and told him the same thing. "Alright I'll be back beautiful." He smiled and I looked down in my lap snickering. I looked back up to find RJ looking at me crazy. "What? It's funny." I said laughing still. "Haha. It's not." He said with a straight face. "It is funny cause it usually happens to you." I said taking Tre from him so I can burp him.

10 minutes later this man came back with our plates. I had Tre standing on my lap playing with my face. I gave him a kiss and sat him down in my lap. When I looked at RJ he looked mad. "What's up with the mad face?" I asked him looking crazy. "He just asked me for your number." He mumbled cutting his pancakes. "I hope you aint give it to him." I mumbled eating mine.





After we left there we went back to the house and chilled all day. Tre was sound asleep in one of the bedrooms and RJ was sleep in the other. It was now 8 and he would be leaving in 4 hours. I got a cup and filled it with cold water. I walked upstairs into the room and stood infront of him. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and he shooed me off talking about let me sleep. So, I took the cup and splashed him, and ran like hell. I got downstairs and too the kitchen where he picked me up and sat me on the counter. "Why?" He growled at me. "Because I love you and you leave in 4 hours." I said wiping some water off his face. He smiled and kissed my lips. "When can I come back home?" I said playing in his curly hair. "When somebody calls for you. And when did you get that tattoo? " He asked while kissing it. "I had this on my side a couple of months after Tre. You just noticed?" I asked looking confused. " No.. I noticed during that bath a couple nights ago..But I just remembered to ask." He said lifting my shirt to touch it. "Stop. Don't do that." I mumbled moving his hand. He smirked. I jumped down from the counter and walked to the living room to watch TV. I laid down on my back on the couch and RJ came in and laid on top of me. "You leave in 3 hours Royce." I sighed. "I know. I don't want leave y'all" He said adjusting himself to get comfortable. "Beauty. Are you pregnant?" ... "What? No. Why?" ... "I see you changing. I feel it too." ... "Well. A couple of days ago, did we use a rubber?" ... "I'm not sure." He said getting up. "Me either. But, now you got to go catch the plane." I said getting up and going upstairs to put Tre and I on some clothes. I put Tre's jacket, hat, and shoes back on and I put on my uggs and a jacket. I grabbed his baby blanket and we were out to the airport.

I walked with RJ to wait at the gate. It wasn't full of people and quiet. We got to the gate and sat down waiting for the plane. "Tre is starting to look just like you. The only thing he got from me is my color." I said rubbing his cheeks. "I wonder who the second one would look like." RJ said leaning back in the chair. "What you mean second one? " I sat up. He sighed and sat up. "Look at me. I know. You may not but I do." I looked at him crazy. "Okay." I said adjusting Tre. "I know this is random, but are you mine again? But, this time no leaving, no more breaking up." He turned my face to his. "RJ... I always have been." I smiled. "But, I'll call you when it's safe for you to come back ma." He smiled and grabbed my free hand. We sat there in a comfortable silence while watching the TV. 5 minutes later they called for his plane. I got up and walked as far as I could with him. "Give me a hug." I said reaching out a free hand. He bent down and gave me a hug and a kiss and kissed Tre's forehead. "Bye RJ. Call me when you get home." I said giving one final hug and turning to leave. I walked with Tre back to the car. When I got to it, I buckled him in and then got in. I turned on the car and pulled out the parking lot and went to the house.

I got to the house at 1:45 in the morning. Tre was wide awake so I bathe him. After I did that we sat in the bed and played. His giggles filled the room and his blue eyes were shining. I picked him up and we went downstairs to fix his bottle.

After it was warm enough I walked upstairs with a sleepy baby. I walked in the room and sat on the bed. I leaned back on the headboard and started to feed him. After he finished 5 minutes later, I burped him and he drifted off to sleep. I laid him down and got up and changed into my pajamas. My phone started ringing and I picked up. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey ma. I made it in. Tell lil man I said goodnight." He chuckled. "You a little too late RJ. He just fell asleep." I smiled. "Alright Beauty. But, I gotta sleep. Goodnight. I'll talk to you when I can. I love you." He yawned. "I love you too. Goodnight. " I sat down and ended the call. I turned off the lamp, got under the covers, and drifted off.


They back together for good. lol. Time to stop playing games. I finally updated. Tell me what you think.

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