Chapter 17

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Beauty's POV

I woke up still wrapped up in RJ's arms. "Baby move. I gotta pee. " I said tapping. him. He let me go and turned over. I rushed to te bathroom and sat down to use it. When I finished, I got up and washed my hands and then RJ came in. He turned on the shower and took his clothes off. He stepped in and I heard Tre whining. I walked out and went to. his room. "Morning Tre." I smiled kissing his cheek. He giggled at me. I took off shirt and threw it in the hamper. I picked him up and took him to our bathroom. I took off his pamper and opened the shower that RJ was in. "Wash him please?" I asked holding him out. "Iight." He said grabbing him. I closed the curtain back and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I'm hungry and I know those two upstairs are. I opened the refrigerator and found some watermelon and grapes for me while I cooked for them. I grabbed the eggs, milk, and bacon out. I closed the fridge and sat everything on the counter.

After about an hour everything was made. I made RJ a plate then made myself one. Him and Tre came down the stairs just in time. I smiled at them and walked into the kitchen to pour RJ some juice other than orange juice. He hates it.

RJ put Tre down and he ran over to me and grabbed my legs crying. "Tre. Move baby I gotta put this on the table." I smiled down at him moving my legs. He just wouldn't let go. "RJ come get these cups out my hand! " I yelled putting the cups on the counter and picking up my baby. RJ walked in with bacon in his mouth, grabbed the cups and walked out. "What's wrong Tre? " I sighed walking into the living room wiping his tears off. He wiggled and turned to point at Jayla's picture. (Remember Jayla was her bestfriend). I looked at him shocked and walked into the dining room with RJ. This is too much to take in by myself. I sat down where my plate was with Tre clinging to me like I would leave him forever. "Uh. RJ. I asked Tre why he was upset and he pointed at a picture of me and Jayla... " I trailed off. He looked at me shocked. I just shrugged my shoulders and started to eat and feed Tre some of mine. The problem was; he didn't want to eat. After 10 minutes I gave up. "RJ try to feed him for me. Maybe he'll eat if you give it to him." I said getting up and handing him to his father.

I walked up the stairs and went into the room. I brushed my curly hair into a messy bun and took off my pajamas. I walked in the bathroom and turned on the shower. I let it get hot and stepped in. I washed in 20 minutes and stepped out. I grabbed my towel and dried off. I wrapped it around as best as I could and walked into the room. I walked into the closet and closed it behind me.

"Jayla. I miss you so much. I wish you were here with me to experience these times with me. I see you're still with us. I miss you and you're still in my heart. I wish you were here but God wanted you home. You're better off up there. I love you and I'll talk to you later. " I opened my eyes and wiped the tears that were falling. I picked out an aqua high-low sundress and a pair of black Toms. I sat those down and walked out the closet. I sat down and put on lotion. I stood up and put on my clothes and shoes. I went to the sink and did my everyday hygeine. I took my hair out this ugly bun and brushed it into a neater one.

I grabbed my purse, walked down the stairs, to find that Tre finally started. to. eat. "RJ. I'm gonna go visit my parents for a while. Don't forget to meet me at Rae's house at 3:30" I said grabbing the keys and heading out the door. I walked to the car, got in and turned the ignition.

30 minutes later I arrived at my parents home and parked my car. I got out and locked the door. I waked up the walkway and knocked on the door. My dad opened the door and I walked in. "Hey Beauty." He smiled at me. "Hi daddy. Some crazy stuff happened this morning." I looked around the house. "Your mom isn't here so tell it." he chuckled. "Okay, so this morning Tre ran to me crying and clinging to my legs. Which reminds me, I gotta cut his nails. I picked him up to figure out what was wrong and he pointed at a picture of Jayla. " I said all in one breath. "It happened to you when you were four. A couple of months after your uncle died. Shawn did too, but he didn't cry. He tried to fight him." My dad said smiling. I smiled back. "So, I shouldn't be worried? " I asked leaning on his shoulder. "No. It's just their way of meeting the ones that they loved and missed." He kissed my forehead. The door opened and my mom and Drew walked through the door. I rolled my eyes and my dad pinched me in the leg. "What was that for? " I whispered. "Be respectful to him." He whispered back. I nodded and mentally rolled them again. Drew is my Dad's oldest son before he met my mother. Drew's mother died of lung cancer from smoking. He's always hated me for some reason. Him and Shawn were always cool, but when it came to me Shawn always had to join in our fights and seperate us. Drew and I always fought, screamed, and did bad things to each other. I still can't stand him and I'm 21.

"Shontelle." Drew nods at me. "Andrew. " I said looking at my phone still leaning on my dad. "I thought she wasn't gonna be here ma." He said talking to my mother. "She wasn't here when I left. " My mom said looking at me. I stood up to leave instead of wasting my breath on such an asshole. "You pregnant too? What number you on 5? I bet they got different daddies too." He let out an evil chuckle. "Drew stop." daddy voice boomed. While he was sitting there laughing his ass off, I walked over there knocking the wind out his ass twice. "Fuck you bruh. This is my second baby, same father, been together before I graduated. Not that you needed to know. I don't know why you hate me so much. But you know what I don't care. Oh and just know, if he was here he would've fucked you up. Bye ma bye daddy." I yelled slamming the door behind me. I sat on the swing on the porch. I grabbed my stomach trying to calm down. This baby was fighting and it was hurting me. My mom walked outside with two cups of pink lemonade. I turned away from her looking at nothing. "Beauty don't do me like this. I didn't know y'all would still hate each other. I'm sorry." She sat the cups down. "No. You didn't even try and stop him. You sat there and let him talk to me like that. I'm gone. " I got up and waved her off. I walked to the car, got in, and pulled off.

I arrived at Araela's house and knocked on the door. RJ opened it and was about to say something but decided against it. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips. I opened it, ate one, and sat it down. RJ walked in and kissed my nose. "Stop flaring yo nose ma. You scaring everybody." He flipped us so I was leaning into him. I just leaned into his chest and let it all out. "My supposed to be brother hates me and my mom just doesn't care. I just, I just wanna leave." I cried into him. He rubbed my back and just listened to me. That was all I ever wanted and needed.


Thoughts and comments?

Some of this was real. Like me seeing my grandma when I was 3. My mother told me I ran to her crying and said that someone was bothering me and pointed at her picture.

But I hope you liked it.

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