Chapter 36

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Beauty's POV

I put on my clothes for today; light wash skinny jeans, wheat timbs, and a plain white spaghetti strap shirt. I added a gold chain that RJ gave me a while back and the bracelet to match. Then, I unwrapped my hair and combed it down. I was going to try to keep it straight as long as possible. I parted it down the middle how I liked it to be. I brushed my teeth and added a little lip gloss. "Where you going?" I heard RJ as he wrapped his arms around me. "I'm going to look for some possible places to put my business. I really want to start. Then, I'm going to pick up Tre, take him to a nice place to get his hair cut, and come back home to do his homework with him." I said turning to face him. "You look absolutely beautiful. Don't make me have to kill no niggas out here." He smiled and kissed my forehead. I smiled. "I promise you won't." I said and looked at him. When you gonna put your hair back curly?" He said putting the left side behind my ear. "Well, I was gonna actually keep it straight. Then eventually, it'll get curly. You don't like it?" I pouted. "I like it B. I just love it curled." He said before kissing my forehead. "Okay. It'll go back eventually RJ." I said frowning. I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my red clutch, making sure my ID, cards, and money was in there. I grabbed my phone off the charger and went into Tee's room. "Hi babygirl! Why your daddy got you dressed like a lil boy? Come on." I said picking her up. He put her on a black onesie, jeans, and some plain black shoes. It was hot outside and I wasn't about to have my baby burning up. I took all of that off of her. Then, I pulled out a light wash romper and I put it on her along with her white little forces. For an eight month baby, she had a lot of hair, so I put a cute little headband. I looked in her bag and she had plenty of other clothes in there that were decent. I carried her to RJ and he grabbed her from me. "Alright Tierra. Mommy will see you later. Give daddy hell." I smiled and she giggled and touched my face. "Gimme kiss." I said poking out my lips. She kissed me back. "Bye RJ. I'll see you later. Oh! And if I see a place I'll call you before I decide." I spoke before pecking his lips. I went down the stairs and got in my car. I went around the fountain and out of the gate. "Hey, wassup, hello. Seen yo pretty ass soon as you came in the door. I just wanna chill got a sack for us to roll. Married to the money, introduced her to my stove. Showed her how to whip it, now she remixin for low." I started singing Trap Queen as I was riding through the town. I seen a building for lease; it wasn't too far from home and Tre's school was nearby. I pulled into the empty parking lot. "And I get high with my baby. I just left the mall, I'm getting fly with my baby, yeah. And I can ride with my baby. I be in the kitchen cooking pies with my baby, yeeahh." I turned down the radio and dialed the number on the building. "It started ringing and it took forever for someone to answer. "Hello?" The woman said on the other side of the phone. "Hi. I'm calling about the building for lease on SW 19th?" I said leaning back in the seat. "Huh? You might have the wrong number." She spoke and hung up. I threw the phone in the seat and put my car back into drive. Today was going to be a long day. I sighed and started back on my long journey.


I sat Tee on the bed and started to put my clothes on; white tee, jean button down, khaki joggers, and my white Ewings with Gum bottoms. I added on a gold cuban link chain and a gold rolex. I got in the car and I buckled Tierra in her car seat. She was giggling and making a lot of noise. She was happy today and full of words. We headed to a couple stores to find something perfect for her mother. I got onto the street and stopped at Burger King. I got out and went in the backseat to get Tee. I grabbed her baby bag and went inside for breakfast. I stood in the line holding her and all these girls were cooing at her. She giggled at all of them except one. She kept giving her a stank face, just like her momma does. I just smiled and moved up in the line. "What's her name?" One of the girls asked. She seemed like the modest one out of the group. She was dressed fully, unlike some of the others, and still dressed nicely. "Tierra." I said. "Awe. How old is she?" She said smiling at her. "Eight months." I said quickly. I hated being asked questions frequently. "She's so adorable. I wonder what mine would look like when I have one." She mumbled. "How old are you?" I said raising my eyebrow. "Sixteen." She spoke raising one back. I nodded. I got up to the register to order my food and the cashier started looking at me with lust. "I want French toast sticks with orange juice and a ham, egg, and cheese Croissan'which with orange juice instead of coffee." I said adjusting Tee on my arm. "Will that be all for today?" She said licking her lips and winking. "Yeah. I'm good." I said getting aggravated. Burger girl wasn't even worth my time. I had something better at home and something I would never let anybody else get again. So dealing with this girl who had no edges, and possibly no future wasn't in my plans. I had my plans set with B. "Mhmm okay. That'll be eight dollars and thirty-four cents." She smirked. I handed her a ten, and she handed me my receipt and change. I waited on the side and watched as the group of girls ordered. I grabbed my bag and she handed me a napkin with a number on it. I put that on the top of the counter and put the rest in the bag. The other girls started laughing and the other girl came to me as I was walking out. "Wait. I'm not trying to get with you or anything, but you seem like a cool person. Unlike my other friends, I'm really trying to get somewhere with life." She said looking in my soul. "Where you going with this?" I said a little confused. "Well I need to make money. I can tell you have it from your clothes and your car. Look at your baby for God sake." She said looking at her and smiling. "You can talk to my girlfriend. Give me your number and talk to her. She's gonna have a place opening up. She wouldn't mind. She's a little blunt, and she speaks her mind. Can you handle that?" I said as I handed her my food in order to pull out my phone. She announced her number to me and her name. I put it back in my pocket, grabbed my food, and I headed to my car. I put the food in the backseat and I buckled Tierra in. I looked in her bag, found her bib, and I put it around her neck. I grabbed a bottle with water, poured it out, and put the orange juice in it. I made sure it was tightly closed and gave it to her. I held it for her until she was ready to give it up. I put it in the cup holder and pulled out the French toast. I broke them up into pieces she could eat and sat it in her lap. I took the syrup from her and put it back in the bag. She started to eat as I closed her door and got in the drivers seat. I pulled off and back onto the street. I ate my breakfast sand which while driving until we got to a couple shops that looked nice. By the time I got there, Tee was sleeping with a piece of toast in her hand and her mouth was open. I snapped a quick picture and sent it to Beauty. She read it and replied.

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