Chapter 34

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"B." I turned around to see RJ. "It's okay. Don't stay if you don't want to." I said wiping my tears. "I wanna stay for you and for my kids. Okay B. We gonna keep our promise." He engulfed me in his arms. "Don't scare me like that." I mumbled and he held me close. "Come on we leave in the morning." He said lowly as he pulled away. He grabbed my hand and walked me to the car. I opened the door and got in as he went around to do the same. I sat back in the seat and closed my eyes.






I woke up to Tre sitting in between us crying. RJ was still knocked and it was 2 a.m. I got out of the bed, and I picked him up; then he started to slow down with the noise. We went into the bathroom and I sat on the seat and put him in my lap. "Hush Tre, Mommy's here." I kissed his forehead. It was hot, he's sick again. "Why do you get sick so much?" I mumbled carrying him back in the room. I sat him next to his daddy and used my phone's flashlight to find my purse. Tre started crying again, RJ still ain't get up. He just held him. I shook my head and found the baby medicine that I hold on to for them. I grabbed it and grabbed Tre, that's when RJ wanna pop up. "Go back to sleep. I got this." I said walking out the room. I guess he still wanted to see cause he sleepily followed behind. "What's going on? It's two in the Morning." He said rubbing his eye. "Tre's sick again. I said trying to make him drink it out the little cup. He really doesn't do good with taking medicine. "He always sick." He mumbled. "I know, I guess that's how it is with babies." I mumbled. "Tre, be a big boy for mommy and please drink it." I said. He finally did it and made a "this shit is nasty" face. RJ chuckled and I just smiled. "Let's go get you some juice." I said while getting up and passing him to RJ. I went back into the other room to check on Tierra who was sleeping with Rae. We all crashed at Jay's house. They were just fine. I closed the door back and met RJ and Tre in the kitchen. "Don't give him too much. Just give him a quarter of a sippy cup. I'm not sleeping with a pissy baby." I scrunched up my face. "You right." He said. "Gimme kiss." I tippy toed. "Don't do that face. You look like a mf uhhhh." He said putting his free hand on his forehead. "Stop that ain't funny." I said smirking. "Kiss!" Tre screamed. I laughed and kissed his lips. "See. Gimme my kiss." I spoke softly. RJ bent down and pecked my lips. "Drink your juice Tre so we can go to bed for the two hours we have left." RJ said handing him the cup. Tre gulped that shit down like it was the first cup a juice he had in years. "Well damn." RJ mouthed to me as he sat the cup down on the counter. I just shrugged my shoulders.

I quickly washed the cup, and put it upside down in the sink. I cut off the lights and made my way upstairs. When I got to the room, RJ was rocking Tre and he was slowly drifting off. I silently closed the door, and slipped under the covers. I kissed Tre's forehead and laid my head on the pillow. I reached my arm up and turned off the lamp. I got comfortable as I turned to face RJ and Tre. RJ placed Tre down facing me and he turned to face me as well. Only thing I heard him say was "I Love You. " before I drifted off.

5 a.m.

"Wake up Beauty. Get your stuff. " I heard RJ as he was shaking me. I popped up and went to the bathroom. After using it, I came back out and threw on a pair of sweats and jacket. I put the few things that I had in my backpack. Then, I started to pack Tierra and Tre's things into their separate bags. I am tired; I just need a break. We went outside and put the bags in RJ's Car. I already had a few boxes in mine and I needed the kids to fit. I went to my truck tomake sure that their carseats were put in correctly and, to see if their bags were in reach if I needed them. I went back in the house, up the stairs, and into Rae's room. I got Tee and I went and got Tre as well. I carried them down stairs and I put Tre in his seat first. I went around and placed Tee in hers. I buckled her in and since it was a little chilly I put a little blanket over her body. I closed the door and went back to Tre's side and made sure he was situated well. "RJ what you gonna do with your car? " I said as he walked up to me. "Imma leave it with Nell, then I'll have him send that stuff to us. " He said stretching. I just nodded and got in the truck. He got in his car and I followed him for 30 minutes to Nell's house. We parked in his driveway and he was already up; the lights were on. RJ walked in, stayed for five minutes, and walked back out. I got out and got into the passenger seat while he got into the drivers seat. He backed out and sped down the street.


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