Chapter 23

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Beauty's POV

I'm sitting in the living room with my mom, Drew, and his girlfriend Trinity. Tierra was in her carseat on the floor facing me and Tre was laying across my lap watching the tv. I was talking to my mother and Trinity interrupted. "B. Can I hold Tierra? " she smiled at me. "Trinity. No. You was just calling her an 'it' 9 months ago." I spoke softly. "Shontelle! " my mother scolded me. I raised my eyebrows at her and focused on tending to my babies. "Beauty. Can I hold my nephew? " Drew asked. I was taken back. I put Tre on his feet and told him to go to Drew; he wouldn't budge. I actually felt bad for Drew. I tried to put Tre in his lap and he started crying. "I'm so sorry Drew. He usually doesn't do this. " I said comforting Tre and apologizing. I gave him to my mom and sat back down in front of Tee.

My dad, RJ, Nell, and Shea walked down and sat in the family room with us. RJ took Tierra out her carrier and was holding her. Shea and Nell sat down as well. Dad was walking to his big chair and spotted Trinity. "Who is this? " he said nonchalantly and pointing his finger. "My girlfriend Trinity. " Drew said. Shea, Nell, and RJ all looked up at her and the fear was shown instantly. RJ handed me Tierra and walked out the house. Shea was mugging her and Nell decided to speak up. That's when shit went downhill. "Wassup TT? " he smiled. Drew's attention turned to Trinity. "Hey Nell." she looked at me. I grinned and started to play with my daughter's hands. "What happened with yo pregnancy 9 months ago? " he asked. I gasped and took my children out the room into the kitchen so I can hear and still keep them out of the drama. "Uh. I wasn't pregnant." I heard her say. "Drew how long y'all been dating? " Shea asked with humor in his voice. "A year." I heard him clear his throat. "A whole year? I could've sworn you told my brother you was having his seed around the same time as B." Nell said chuckling. I grabbed my kids and walked out the kitchen to go outside. First, I put Tee in her baby carrier and walked out. I closed the door behind me and seen him sitting in the porch. I let Tre play around in the yard and I buckled Tierra in her carrier. I sat her down across from us and I sat next to him. "You okay? " I asked rubbing his earlobe with my fingers. "I'm good." he looked at me and smiled. "Why you was out here by yourself then?" I asked watching Tre climb back up the steps. "I hate Drew and Trinity just a hoe." he said as I picked Tre up and sat him next to me. "Watch yo mouth around my kids." I said playfully hitting his lips. He poked his lips out at me and I grabbed his chin and kissed them. "You know better Shontelle." he raised his eyebrows. "You know better Royce." I said mocking him. I pulled his shirt and kissed him passionately this time, only for Tre to climb in my lap and try to push him off of me. "Mine. " he said pouting. I smiled and kissed his forehead. He giggled and hugged me. "How you gone take my woman? " RJ said reaching across at him. Tre laughed and got down and tried to run. RJ got up and picked him up and they went in the yard to play. Tierra started whining and I went to get her. I started hearing noises like somebody was running in the house. I heard my mom scream and people were yelling. The noise scared my baby and she started crying. RJ ran up and tried to take her from me. "No she's scared. Check inside, I think they fighting. " I said pushing him with my free arm towards the door.


I opened the door and blood was all on the floor. I felt Tre holding my legs. I didn't want him to see this but he was already looking. "Tre go to mommy." I said pointing to Beauty. He ran to her and I closed the door behind me. I heard Bianca (Beauty's mom) crying and Nell comforting her. I walked up to Shea. "What happened? " I said looking down at Shawn. "Drew put a bullet through him. He's gone." he said shaking his head. "Damn. Where Drew and his lil bitch? " I asked getting mad. "Dipped through the back." he said. "Alright take they car. Take the license plate off. Put it in ma garage." I said going to the phone.





"B. I gotta talk to you." I said stepping outside. "Is everything okay in there? " she said with a worried face. "No ma. Drew killed your dad." I said walking to her. She started laughing. "My dad? Drew. You playing." she said giggling. "Have you ever known me to play like that? " I said feeling hurt. She looked at me and no tears were coming. "Is his eyes open? " she asked with a straight face. I nodded. She got up and handed me Tierra. She walked past me and into the house.

Shea's POV

The door opened and closed and Beauty walked over to us. "Daddy." she whispered. I felt bad for lil ma. They was like bestfriends or some shit. She got on her knees and touched his face. She took her hands and closed his eyes. Then, she kissed his forehead as people came in and took him. I noticed she didn't even shed a tear. After everybody left I walked outside to Drew car, hot wired it, and drove it to ma's garage. I took the license plate off and put it away.

Nell's POV

Why Beauty not showing emotion?


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