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i am a number —

a depressed teen
who cuts her wrists

types on a screen,
you get the jist.

i will be a number —

'23 will come and go
sad and soon — forgotten

they'll all claim they loved me so
they'll say my tale was rotten —

i'll go down in books as a number —

"the sad truth is
you can never tell

and sympathy you give
but — they still face hell"

you will see me as a number —

"the fifth this year,
uncommon in this town"

do you think i really care?
considered it before i drowned?

but i am not a number

im a girl —
facing hell
— forgotten —

"happiness is a — choice"

"loneliness is a — choice"

"this is all a — choice"

why do i do this to my skin
why does the world ignore the pain im in

why can't I choose to love my life
why does it feel like I need my dear knife

why are these marks so hard to ignore
why do I find myself always wanting more

why do I love them

why do I love them

why do I need them

why will I be a number when I die?

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