A Complicated Mission

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Katara's POV🌊

Soo... We are in The Western Air Temple. We must find a firebending master for Aang.I called Aang to talk about this.

Sokka: Well,the new plan is the old plan! You must become master of all four elements and fight with The Fire Nation Lord before the comet arrives.

Umm...thanks sokka, you're genious -___-

Aang: Ooh! No problem, I'll just do that! ( In a sarcastic way)

-Aang,no one says it's gonna be easy,- I tried to calm him.

Aang: Well,it's not gonna be even possible! Where I supposed to find the firebending teacher?!


Soo... I have no idea what to do. Aang is being like a child. I mean he doesn't even try to find his teacher. If someone could appear in front of us who will teach Aang firebending. I would be very happy!

Uugh! I remembered that kiss... I don't know what did it mean. Aang kissed me and I kissed him too and thought I liked that kiss but... I didn't feel anything. Well I became all red but... uugh! I'm so confused! Besides, I don't have time to think about love and that kind of stuff.💔

Zuko's POV🔥

Shit,shit,shit!!! I'm such a fool! I don't have any idea how to apologise to Aang and others... I was so wrong when tried to catch him. I am worried about Katara. I betrayed her in Ba Sing Se. Will she forgive me? I've done to her too many bad things! I am just simple idiot! I have a very complicated mission to fulfill.

Katara's POV🌊

-Aang! Can we talk about you learning firebending now?!- I asked to him.

Aang: What?! The wind is too loud in my ears! I can't hear you!!!

Even Sokka is being serious! He is concentrated to find Aang a firebending teacher too. But what about Aang? I'm very angry at him... and disappointed.

We were flying on Appa. Aang landed and Sokka and I followed him. Aang was about to show us some focus but Toph interrupted him. (Thanks Toph)

Toph: I think that should wait.

And then... he appeared...

Zuko: Hello, Zuko here! :)

How dare he smile! Probably it's his new manner of catching us or something. Well, I won't let him to hurt us!

Our group is ready to attack! I was looking at his eyes with all hate when suddenly Appa licked him!  What the?.. Oh, once again!

Zuko: I know you must be surprised to see me here...

Sokka: Not really since you followed us all over the world!

That's right Sokka! Good job! We must make it clear to him what kind of monster he is!

Zuko: Right...well I... anyway! What I wanted to tell you about is that I have changed. And I... I'm good now. And well I can guys join your group... oh! And I can teach firebending to you!

WHAAAAAAT??! DOES HE REALLY THINK IT WORK ON US?! OMG HE IS SO STUPID! Aang will never let him join us! Hahahah that's funny!

Toph: You wanna WHAT NOW?!

-You can't possibly think that any of us could trust you,can you?! - I started to talk,- I mean how stupid you think we are?!

Sokka: Yeah! All you've ever done to us is try to hunt us down and capture Aang!

Zuko: I've done some good things!

Awwwwwwwwww! COME ON!!! I wouldn't even listen to him! And suddenly I remembered that moment...when he stole my mother's necklace!

I splashed him some water when he asked us to take him as prisoner. He stood up and left us. I wanted to cry! A lot! Feelings are burning my full body! He betrayed me! I was about to heal that scar with magic water! How stupid I was! I can't trust him! Not ever!

Zuko's POV🔥

Uugh! I can't believe how stupid I am! I mean what was I thinking telling them I sent a sparky boom man after them! But I know what was I thinking about... I wanted Katara to understand me, to forgive me. This hate in her eyes... I couldn't resist it! How stupid I am! STUPID!

Katara's POV 🌊

I wanted to find the reason why Zuko acted like this. I Thought he was confused and hurt in Ba Sing Se. But he betrayed me and we can't trust him.

-What a liar! I mean when he said about sending Appa free!- I shouted. I knew he didn't do it but I was hoping...ugh, Katara what are you thinking!

Toph: Actually, he wasn't lying...

Toph is on his side! Probably she fancies him. Zuko would blew her mind off.

-Why are you on his side?!- I jealously asked. I mean WHY does she protect him?!

Toph explained to us that Aang needs a firebending teacher. Suddenly I realized that fact and looked at Aang but he didn't want Zuko to be his teacher so I finally gave up on him. Toph got angry and left. I went to my room and lied on the bed. Zuko, what is in your stupid mind?!


Well this is the end of the first chapter^^ Hope you'll like it :) 💖

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