You are important to me

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A/N: HEEELLOOOO EVERYONEE!!! :3 This pic is so cute. When I found it I was like OMG this is so realistic did I miss something? LOL but then I realized everything and turned sad :(

Buuuuut in this story I will make it reality! So no time for sadness ;)

Thank you very much for votes! And sorry for not uploading seems like forever.

Next chapter may include my painting of Zutara^^

Ok I know I must shut up and let you read the chap,so enjoy!^^


Zuko's POV

-There's one technique you need to know before facing my father: How to re-direct lighting,-as I said that to Aang his face lightened up.

-If you let the energy in your own body flow,the lighting will follow him.You turn your opponents' energy against them,-I was explaining to him while making some necessary moves.

Aang: That's like waterbending!

-Exactly! - at the word "water" my mind reminded me about Katara...she was sitting near us and watching our training. I felt a little bit nervous because of her presence.

-My uncle invented this technique himself by studying waterbenders.

Aang began to follow my moves.

Aang: So..have you ever redirected lighting before?

-...Once...Against my father...

Aang: What does it feel like?

-You feel so powerful holding that much energy in your body,what you know if you make the wrong's over.

Aang:Huh,well not over,over... I mean there's always Katara and a little spirit water in action, am I right? - he looked at her.

Katara: Actually, I used it all after Azula shot you.


-You'll have to take Firelord's life,before he takes - yours, - with this words,I left.

Aang: Yeah, I'll just do that,- I heard from behind.

While I was walking to my room someone stopped me from behind. I turned around and...





Katara's POV

It's so weird seeing Zuko like this. What's wrong with him? I wish to know. So I followed him and when he was about to enter to his room I stopped him.

He turned around and I noticed his eyes were full of shock.

Zuko: Katara?.. What is it?...Did something happened? - he asked worried.

-Everything's alright,except that you're acting weird.

Zuko: What do you mean?

-Let's talk somewhere else. I don't want others to hear us.

He just nodded and we went to the beach.


Zuko: So,what's up? - he asked when we got there.

-It's me,who wants to ask you that. Zuko,did something happen? Tell me...-I touched his shoulder.

Zuko: Nothing's happened. Why?

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