Fighting emotions

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A/N: Hellooo my friends! Sorry for not uploading new chapter for 2 weeks but it has a reason. As I said I didn't upload it until the chapter got 3 votes.

Thank you so much for comments and votes. They inspire me *~*

Now, I will shut up and let you enjoy the story^^


Katara's POV

Aang was training in firebending with Zuko. The rest of us were watching them. Zuko seemed angry. I mean,since the morning...No,since last night...


He was yelling at Aang. The letter was doing good but Zuko needed more and more. It's weird.As far as I remember,he wasn't really strict teacher for Aang...was he?

Aang: Urgh! I'm trying!


Aang did that,but actually it was like a cat crying...(A/N: I couldn't thought anything else XD)

Zuko: That sounded pathetic.I SAID ROAR!!!

Now it was really a damn tiger's roar. Momo was afraid and hid behind Zuko.

- Who wants a nice,cool glass of watermelon juice? - I offered to guys.

Aang: Oh,oh,me,me,ME!

The avatar was running towards me but Zuko stopped him.

Zuko: Hey! Your lesson is not over yet! Keep back here! - He shouted at Aang angrily. The letter was trying to escape from Zuko but that was impossible.

Suki: Come on Zuko! Just take a break! What's the big deal?

I wanted to say the same thing.

Zuko: Fine...-He let go Aang,-If you want to land around and do nothing,than go ahead!

Sokka: Maybe Zuko is right. Sitting around the house make us pretty lazy. But I know just the thing to change that!-he stood up and took off his clothes,which left him only with his underwear,-BEACH PARTY!!!-And my brother jumped in the water. I followed him and made a big wave for surfing.

We all were having fun. I looked over at the beach to saw where was Zuko. And I saw him...fighting with Aang?!

I quickly swam towards the land.

-What happened?!

Sokka: Zuko's got crazy! I made a sand sculpture of Suki and he destroyed it!


Sokka: Oh,and he's attacking Aang!

I started to run as fast as I could. What's wrong with him?! I can't believe he's again betraying me!! No, It couldn't be! No,no,no! I can't believe it! No way!

I saw him laying on the land.

-What's wrong with you?! You could've hurt Aang!

Zuko:What's wrong with me?! What's wrong with all of you?! How can you stay around having a beach party,when Sozin's comet is only three days away?!

Zuko's POV

I was looking at them. Katara was eyeing me like I was crazy. I couldn't resist that.

-Why you all are looking at me like I'm crazy?!

Aang: About Sozin's comet...I was actually gonna wait to fight the firelord after it came.

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