Smart Toph

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A/N: Hey guys! I want to dedicate this chap to the person who votes my every chapter^^

So,sit back comfortably,cause this part of the story will be really interesting! *~*

Don't forget to vote,please!

Now,enjoy the chapter! ^^


Katara's POV

We are on the Ember Island. Zuko told us that it's a safe place.His family used to spend some time there. Yeah,considering that fact, Lord Ozai lived in the house,where we are going to live,Yep, it's veeery safe place -___-

Right now Aang and Zuko are training in firbending. I am sitting near them with Toph and watching.

Toph: Hey,Katara.

-Yes,what is it Toph?

Toph: What are you thinking about Zuko?

"Whoa,whoa what was that question for?"- I thought nervously.

-Why do you ask?..and what do you mean? O.o

Toph: Nothing, I was just wondering, do you like his firebending skills?

-Sure,why not O.o

Toph: Okay,-she said and smiled.

What is going on?

Toph: Katara...


Toph: What do you think about Aang?

-Is this an interrogation?

Toph: No! I'm just wondering...


Toph: Nevermind, I figured out everything...


Toph: Forgeeeet it...-she replied singing.


A/N: What do you think guys? Why did Toph asked Katara this questions?Write your opinions in the comments ^__^


I looked over Zuko and stared at his muscular body...

"Katara,stop staring!" - I was saying to myself, but it was vain.

They finished training and decided to take a rest. Suddenly Sokka appeared.

Sokka: You guys are not gonna believe this! There's a play about us! We are on the posters!

-What? How was that possible?! - I asked confused,while Sokka was showing everyone the poster of the play.He explained us everything. The ember island players are going to perform.

Zuko:Urgh! My mother used to take us to see them. They're horrible players!

I was looking at him. Than said to Sokka:

-Sokka,do you think it's a really good idea for us to attend the play about ourselves?!

Sokka: Come on! It would be fun!



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