I ship you with...

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Zuko's POV🔥
I couldn't sleep last night. I was thinking about Katara. Why does she hate me so much?! I mean I know I was a terrible person but I have changed and everyone accepted me,only she is left.
Aang and I are ready to start the training.
- Show me what you got! Any amount of fire you can make,- I said to him and looked behind. There was no one. Only we were standing far away from the others.
The avatar doesn't know anything about firebending!🔥-__-
- Stay back! I will show you how it works! - I took a deep breath and concentrated my power in the hand...WHAT THE?? WHERE'S MY FIRE?! Aang was standing there clapping hands. I turned all red and screamed.
Aang: I thought it was nice...-he complimented me. I know he wanted to make me feel better. But that ANNOYED ME!!!
-SHUT UP! Just breath...and...-UGH! NOTHING! Only a tiny ball of fire. Calm down Zuko at least no one's there. Only me and Aang...SHIT! Sokka!
Sokka: What happened hothead? You can't bend fire?
-Don't call me like that!- I shouted at him angrily.
Sokka: Whaat? May I watch you jerks doing jerkbending?!😂😝
-GET OUT OF HERE!- I shouted.
Sokka left. Oh! I'm so embarrassed!😳😣
It's night. I looked at Katara who was making some supper for the guys. I decided to tell them everything.
-Listen everybody! I've got some pretty bad news... I've lost my stuff.
Toph: Don't look at me! I didn't touch your stuff.✋
-I'm talking about my firebending...it's gone.
Then...Katara laughed at me. Why is she laughing? She hates me so much! Shit...
Katara: I'm sorry I'm just laughing at the irony. You know how it would be nice for us if you lost your firebending a long time ago?!
Yep Zuko....
-Well it's not lost. It's just... weaker for some reason.
Katara: Maybe you're just not as good as you think you are.
Damn, she got me...
Toph: Auch...😏
Enough Katara! I will show her that I'm not as weak as she thinks!.. Well...lately...
Sooo... Aang and I are flying on Appa. I thought that this thing could fly faster.
Katara's POV 🌊

Phh... Zuko is so stupid. He lost his firebending. I thought that he was stronger.Where they gonna go... I hope they will be OK...I mean AANG WILL BE OK! Who cares about Zuko?!

Toph: Hey,Katara! Would you mind to talk to me?!

What does she want?

-Uum...yeah, what is it? - I asked in confusion.

Toph: I... well... I have a little crush on...ya know... Zuko...

WHAAAT???????!... WAIT A SEC...WHAT?????!


Toph: I know I know he will never like me and stuff but I can't keep this a secret so I decided to tell you.

- Toph don't you think he's a little bit...big for you?- I said to her,- and besides...ZUKO?! I mean what does he have that anyone falls for him?!

Toph: There's someone else you know that has a crush on him?

Katara why you said that? You didn't know who likes Zuko do you? Wait a sec...

-YES! There's this ugly girl...Mai! Probably she's his girlfriend.

Toph: Mai?! Are you sure?

-Yes...- I don't know but I can't think of any other girl in the Fire Nation. Sooo...

Toph: Okay...well I guess I have to go...

-Wait! Don't be sad because of him! Zuko doesn't deserves a girl like you. He deserves someone who is weaker and uglier!

Toph: Nevermind! I had a little crush,forget it. Besides I ship you guys together ( EVIL SMILE MUAHAHAHAHAHA)


Toph: Nothing I need to go for training.

-Aang is not here!

Toph: I know! I want to train for myself sugargirl.

-Don't call me like that!

Toph: Whatever! Bye!

She left. Uugh! At first she said that she has a crush on Zuko and then she said that she ships us! What's happening in the world?! "Katara you're sick, you need some rest,"- I thought for myself and went in my room. Where are Aang and that...thing...now?!

Zuko's POV🔥

Finally! I've returned my firebending! That means I will show Katara that she's wrong about me. I'll proof her that I deserve her respect...yeah!

Aang: Zuko! What are you thinking about?

-Hah? Um, what?

Aang: You were in deep thoughts... What bothers you?

-Nothing I just... I'm worried about Katara's feelings.

Aang: Katara's feelings? What do you mean?

-She hates me so much! I don't want her to think about me in that way...

Aang: In what way?

-Uugh! Forget it...- The avatar can't understand anything in those serious stuff.


Katara's POV 🌊

-How long are they travelling? Probably something bad happened! They're in danger!

Sokka: Relax Katara! Aang is a powerful bender. Don't worry about him...

-I know!

Sokka: Well,then don't worry about Zuko...

-I don't care about him! Who said that I'm worried about him?!

Sokka: Uum,Katara...

-Shut up Sokka!

Sokka: Okay, okay! I just thought that in that day, when you entered in his room you guys work some sort of things out and...


Sokka: I just thought that you're together.


Sokka: Okay, I know I was wrong I'm sorry,please don't kill me!

UUUURRRGHHHH!!!! What a disgusting day!

-Wait a second, how did you find out that I was in Zuko's room?!

Sokka: Well,when I left him you entered there 2 mins later and before that Katara you met me in the hall so...



They've returned. Zuko and Aang showed us some kind of...dancing?? I didn't understand at all but I clapped because of Aang.

Sokka:Yeah! That's a great dance you two learned there.

I was right about dance. Zuko turned all red.

Zuko: It's not a dance it's a firebending form!!!

Zuko's POV🔥

Shit... I tried so hard to show Katara that I mean something but Sokka ruined everything!


Katara: Oh yeah? And what's your little form called?


-The...The dancing dragon...

Everyone started to laugh. Thanks Sokka!


Well I guess that's all for today! Tomorrow will be a new chapter! Enjoy your day!💕

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