The Search

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A/N: Hyaa my friends! :3 I'm sorry 'cause I'm really stupid. I couldn't upload my paintings because I couldn't copy them and add. They're not in the internet. So sorry again. But look at this wonderful art *~* it's really inspiring.

Thank you for your votes and comments! As I said they're inspiring me. Hope you'll like this chapter;)

Wish you all pleasant reading :*


Katara's POV

We searched for him like everywhere,but he was gone.

-What should we do Zuko? - I looked at him.

Zuko : I don't know...why you all are looking at me? - He was surprised,cause we were staring at him.

-Well, you are kind of the expert in tracking Aang...

Toph: Yeah, If anyone got experience in hunting the avatar - It's you.

Seems like he has came up with some idea...


Our team was flying on Appa.

Sokka: Zuko,WHY ARE WE FLYING IN EARTH KINGDOM?! There's no way Aang's there!

Zuko: Just trust me...

I don't know about my brother,but I trust him... I know he will help in finding Aang.


Hours went by and we entered some bar. It was such a noice there... I hated that.

-And the reason you brought us to a city of Earth Kingdom is what now? - I asked Zuko.

He pointed at some girl.

Zuko: June...

Me and my brother remembered her... It's a long story...

Toph: I don't know who this June lady is but I like her!

Well why you don't, she has beaten up every single man in the bar. June's skills are flawless.

June: Great...It's prince putty...Where's your creepy grandpa? - She asked us when we reached her.

Creepy? I'm sure she doesn't know uncle Iroh really well...

Zuko: He's my uncle. And he's not here...

Poor Zuko... I know what he feels now...

June: I see you worked things out with your girlfriend...

Wait a minute...girlfriend?...Suddenly it hit me. She's talking about ME!!!

Me and Zuko blushed and turned like a tomato. And nervously I shouted:



We said that at the same time. I'm so embarrassed.....Urgh!!!!

June: Okay,okay!..sheesh, I was only teasing...So what do you want?

I wonder why she thought that I was Zuko's girlfriend?

Zuko: I need your help in finding the avatar.

June: Hmph, doesn't sound too fun...-she muttered while drinking sake.

Zuko: Does "the end of the world" sound fun?! - he yelled at her.

Seems like it worked.

June: Okay,who's got something with the avatar's scent on it?

I grabbed Aang's airbender staff gave it to her. The letter showed it to her "pet". The animal started smelling everything, then it layed.

Zuko: Well,what does that mean?

June: It means,your friend is gone.

Toph: We know he's gone,that's why we are trying to find him. O.o

June: No, I mean he's gone,gone...He doesn't exist!

We looked at her in shock.

Sokka: WHAT DO YOU MEAN AANG DOESN'T EXIST?...Do you mean he' know...DEAD?!

June: Nope,we could find him if he was dead. Okay, I gotta go,see ya!

Zuko: Wait! I have another idea. There's only one other person in this world who can help us to face the firelord...

He meant his uncle. June's pet smelled his sandal and we moved on.


Zuko: We're going to Ba Sing Se?!

June left us,she was busy and besides Iroh was near so we could find him easily.

Zuko: It's been a long day,let's camp and start searching again tomorrow.

We all nodded.


I was sleeping near Zuko...well next to him. It was kinda weird but I didn't care.

Suddenly Toph awakened us. Zuko stood next to me. The fire besieged us. In fear we all prepared to attack,but then we saw it were our masters.

Toph: What's going on? We're surrounded by old people.

-Not just any old people, this are great masters and friends of us!..Pakku! - I greeted my master in waterbending.

Pakku: It is respect,to greet such like this to an old master,but how about a hug for your grandfather?

I smiled.

-That's so exciting! - I heard Sokka shouting,hehe. My grandma and Pakku had founded each other again and now they're together! Great!!!

Sokka hugged him too. He was obviously happy.

-And this was Aang's first firebending teacher,- I told to Zuko. He smiled and greeted Jong Jong.

Everyone was happy. Sokka met his master too.

They said that Iroh was here. I looked at Zuko. He smiled.

Boom told us that the city of Omashu was now free of The Fire Nation. Such a great news!

Boom: Well,here we are! Welcome to old people's camp!

Zuko: Where,where is he? - I heard from behind.

He found where his uncle was and sat worried in front of the tent.

I walked towards him.

-Are you okay?

Zuko: No, I'm not okay, My uncle hates me I know it, - I sat next to him, - He loved me and supported me in every way he could and I still turned against him, - On these last words he looked at me our faces were really near and I nervously pushed myself back, - How can I even face him?

He was obviously nervous, and I didn't want him to be like this. So I tried to comfort him:

-Zuko, you're sorry for what you did,right? - I asked while smiling.

Zuko: More sorry than I've ever been in my entire life.

-Than he'll forgive you, - He looked at me,-he will.

He sighed and entered the tent. I was happy that I;ve calmed him...

Zuko's POV

-Uncle...- I started but saw that he was sleeping.

With a little smile I sat there and decided to wait.

"Thanks Katara"...-I thought.


The end of the chapter.

I hope you liked it.

The next one will be very interesting,trust me ;)

P.S. If anyone watches Naruto and is Sasusaku shipper, I'm writing a fanfiction about them,so you can go and check it out ^__^

Thanks for your attention! Enjoy your day!

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