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Zuko's POV🔥

I heard some noice and got up from sleeping bag.

-Who's there?- I asked in confusion. Someone's there!

-Stay back! - The fire from my hand flew towards the "object".

-It's me!-I've heard words afterwards. It's...Toph!



-I'm sorry! It was a mistake!- I trid to apologise and ran towards her for help but she was angry.

Toph: Get away from me!- she started throwing some big rocks. I avoided all of them and touched her shoulder. Suddenly I felt pain in my stomach and a big power of earth throw me back about 20 metres.

-WAIT! COME BACK!!!-Toph was crawling away,- I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS YOU!- I shouted but that didn't help. Toph left and she was angry at me! Probably she is going to tell about this her friends and they will never let me join in their group!

-UUGH! WHY I AM SO BAD AT BEING GOOD!!! - I shouted laying on the ground.

Katara's POV🌊

-Has anyone seen Toph? - I asked guys. I was so worried about her. I have to apologise to her because of my jealousy. I don't  know why I was so jealous of her protecting Zuko.Uugh anyway,that doesn't matter. We've got to find her.

Friends thought that probably she is training in earthbending,but I'm not sure about that. And then that BANG and Toph arrived.

-Toph! What happened?! - I asked in fear.

Toph: My feet got burnt.

-Oh,no! What happened?

Toph: I JUST TOLD YOU! MY FEET GOT BURNT! - There's something wrong with her...

-I meant HOW??!

Toph: Well, I kinda wanted to see Zuko last night...

WAIT? WHAT? Why did she want to see him at night?!

Aang: YOU WHAT?!


- I just thought he could help us...And if I talked to him maybe we could figure out some things!

Ooooh! Poor and stupid Toph! She doesn't know what kind of boy Zuko is. At first, he acts like he's sinless. Second, he touches your feelings and then he breaks your heart in hundreds of pieces.💔

We all shouted at Toph why she did that stupid thing and then Sokka and Aang came out with the idea of capturing Zuko and making him as our prisoner. My heart started to beating fast. I am really looking forward to finally catch him.

We all were looking after Toph when suddenly the blast wave woke us. Then I saw Zuko. What is he doing?! Wait... It's the Combustion man! Zuko is... fighting with him? He is ordering him to stop! But sparky boom man doesn't mind to care. He keeps attacking us!💥

We all hid...

Zuko's POV🔥

-If you keep attacking, I won't pay you! - I shouted at him and attacked but he stopped me.

-OKAY! I WILL PAY YOU DOUBLE TO STOP!!! - He once again avoided my attack and throw his power towards guys. Shit! I can't see them! Where are they?! Suddenly I heard him going toward me. I quickly turned around to avoid his attack but it didn't work. I flew back. That's my ending? I am going to die here?!

Katara's POV🌊

The combustion man attacked Zuko and he fell over. Did he die?..

I throw some ice towards combustion man and ran away to hide. He attacked us again. Is he going to burn everything?! I looked from the hideout but I saw nothing. I can't use waterbending. Dammit!

Sokka came out with his boomerang but it didn't work... wait,it did work! Good job Sokka. Oh, then I saw Zuko. So he survived... I felt some relief,but hey Katara! What's wrong with you?! It's Zuko!

Zuko's POV🔥

I survived. And guys too. I get out a sigh of relief and walked towards them.

Aang: I can't believe I am saying this but thanks Zuko!

A little smile covered my face. My eyes eloped towards Katara. She was standing there...with her actual look in her eyes,but this time it wasn't full of hate. I can feel it. I looked at Sokka, who was talking about himself and boomerang stuff.

-Listen, I know I didn't explain myself really well yesterday. I've done really horrible things in past two years...- I started to explain. Then Aang stopped me.

Aang: I think I want you to be my teacher...

Great!!!... Then he mentioned Katara and said that he burnt her. How did he do it? Where did he burn her? maybe Katara later healed her scars. Like she wanted to heal mine...

Aang accepted me! What an honour!

-Thank you! I am so glad you let me join your group...

Aang:Not so fast!

What? -.-

Aang: I need to ask my friends their opinion on this. Toph and Sokka agreed him. Well,that's great! But there's left Katara... I started to being nervous. The sweat started to coming out from my skin.

Katara: I will agree with any opinion that you will count right,-and looked at Aang.


Zuko: I promise I won't let you down guys!

They left. I couldn't hide a big smile on my face.


Sokka showed me my room. I took out my things off from my bag and stared at uncle's picture. I betrayed him. I am such a fool. I must find him when everything ends and apologise. Suddenly I heard some footsteps and turned around.Katara was standing on the threshold of the door. I smiled. So good she wants to talk to me. But my face changed when I saw her expression,her hate in eyes. She doesn't believe me.Katara walked towards me so close that I held my breath. She was talking so fast that I couldn't hear the words she was saying. "Aang" - I heard. Katara is afraid that I will capture him. She cares so much about him. I was about to say something but she left. And left me frustrated.


Aaaaand the second chapter! Comment your opinions, please.What you like,what you dislike. I will mark my mistakes and make sure they won't appear^^ . The third chapter will appear soon. Enjoy your day ;)💕

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