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Katara's POV

It was morning. I came out from the tent and saw...him. I was really surprised but tried not to express.

-You look terrible! - I said to Zuko and started brushing my hair.

Zuko: I waited out here all night...

Whaaat? Why did he do that? Phhh...I'm totally not interested in it,but...anyway.

-What do you want? - I asked him while again brushing my hair. He was behind me. I felt his hot air coming from his nose. (A/N: I mean he was breathing :D )

Zuko: I know who killed your mother...

I froze...My mom...

Zuko: I'm gonna help you find him.

I turned around to him,surprised. Is he doing this



We packed our things and went to the flying bison.

-I need to borrow Appa.

Aang: Why? Is it your turn to take a little trip with Zuko?- he was joking. I have no time for this. is,- I said.

Aang's POV

What? Does Katara really want to travel somewhere with Zuko? What happened between them last night? Urgh! That stupid jealousy!

-Oh...W-what's going on?! - I asked a little bit worried.

Katara: We're going to find the man,who took my mother away from me.

Ooh,so that's why.Suddenly Zuko started to talk.

Zuko: Sokka told this story what happened.I know who did it and I know how to find him.

-Oh...and what exactly do you think this will acomplish?

Katara: I knew you wouldn't understand.

No,no,no Katara,stop. She was about to leave. I have to stop her.

-WAIT,STOP! I DO UNDERSTAND! You're feeling unbelievable pain and rage,how do you think I felt about the sandbenders when they stole Appa?! How do you think I felt about the Fire Nation,when I found out what happened to my people?! - Suddenly Zuko interrupted me.

Zuko: She needs this Aang...

Katara's POV

Zuko: She needs this Aang...

I looked over to him. He does understand me. He knows what I'm feeling and what I want. And Aang is just being like a child. (A/N:Well,he is Katara...)

Aang started to talk about forgiveness and other stuff but Zuko always interrupted him and he was saying to him something,that I wanted to say.

I left. I was angry at Aang. In this moment I realized that it's over. I will never be happy with him. We will never understand each other. Not in this life...


I was at my tent crying. I finally know who killed my mother and where that monster is,but I can't do anything.My pillow was all wet because of my tears.

Suddenly someone knocked on my door(A/N: Well,not really a door but sort of). I decided not to respond. But the person kept knocking. Well, I will keep not responding,heh. I am really stubborn sometimes but I liked that fact in me.

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