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Zuko's POV🔥

-No one can make a tea like uncle,but hopely I learnt a few things too. Would you like to hear uncle's favourite tea joke?- I asked to guys with a smile on my face,while I was serving some tea for them.

Aang: Sure, I like jokes!

Toph: Bring it!

"Alright Zuko! You can make it!" - I said to myself,  "You will make laugh everyone".

-Okay,well I don't remember how it starts,but the punch line is: "Leave me alone, I am booshed!"

Silence....Very awkward silence...'s funny when uncle tells it.

Katara: Right,maybe that's because he remembers the whole thing,-she said laughing. Suddenly everyone started laughing. Katara is so cute when she is laughing...Wait, I mean...

I can't help but smiled, yep.

When I approached to Sokka, he asked me to talk. WTF?! What happened? Did I do something wrong? We walked from the guys about 10 metres and stopped.

-So what's up? - I asked a little bit worried.

Sokka: If someone was captured by the Fire Nation,where would they take it?

That's it? Pheeww...but I don't get it at all.

-What do you mean? Who was captured?

Sokka told me about his dad. I didn't want to tell him but I remembered my dad...So I told him where he should be.

Sokka: So where's this place?

-Why do you need to know? What are you planning?

Sokka: Nothing!..Boy,you're so paranoid!

I know,that he hides something,but I told him where the jail is.

Sokka: Thanks Zuko! Just ya know it makes me feel better...-and he left. I looked at him...he's obviously planning something and I'm gonna find out,what exactly.

-Yeah, sure it  does...- I said to myself and returned to the guys.


When the supper was over, I went in my room to exactly remember where the boiling rock is. On the way I was in thoughts,,so I didn't notice Katara,and we hit each other. She was falling on the ground but I quickly cought her.

Katara: What are you doing?!

I was staring at her blue eyes. They were watching me with confusion,but with not a hate...I woke up.

-Uum...cathing you...I guess..?!

-Stay away from me! - She said with an anger and left. Maan, why did I hit her, I mean why- HER? She hated me and now I guess she hates me more! Well done Zuko!

When I entered my room,the great idea hit my head. I will help Sokka to find his dad and make Katara happy, so she wouldn't hate me! 

Sooo... Sokka probably will need Appa for flying. The Fire Nation will simply notice us so I have another idea how to fly to the Boiling Rock.

Okay, I have to hurry.Sokka will get on Appa at night. I will wait him there...

katara's POV🌊

Damn,Zuko annoyes me so much! Why everyone trusts him?! Did they forget what he did to us? Uurgh! Nevermind I wil go find Aang, we have to talk.


There he is. What is he doing? O.o Is he...eating something?!

-Aang! What are doing?

Aang: Katara?!..- he hid something behind his back.

-Aang,what was that?!

Aang: What was-what?!

-Urgh! Don't make me look silly! I saw that you were eating something and...

Aang: Why are you so interested?!

Damn...I am on diet and when I see others eating something privately I start to act like crazy. I's like it's me who is violating the diet. I am surely not going to say it to Aang. So what I am supposed to say?


Aang: Forget it! Do you want to see my new stunt?

Katara: Umm...sure...

Aang: Okay! Stay back!

He held his breath and suddenly kissed me on the cheak.

-What are you...?!...- he ran. Everytime I want to talk to him about training or some Avatar stuff, something obstructs us. I once again remembered that kiss... what's going on? What I am truly feeling towards him? Is this really love or...I don't know. I'm really confused. "Uugh! Stop Katara! You don't have time for this! There's war in the world! You must concentrate on the training!"- I said to myself.

-But now, I have to go sleep...- I quietly said yawning.

On my way to room I saw Zuko. Where's he going? Hmmm...interesting! If I'll catch him in betraying,everyone would be expressed by me! And I will make him! Okay,Katara just follow him...suddenly someone hold my's Toph!

Toph: What are you doing here sugargirl?- she asked with her evil smile which I hated the most.

-I was going to my room! - I quickly answered.

Toph: So why were you hiding?

-I wasn't hiding... I was just...

Toph: I can feel when a person lies ya know,so don't try to fool me down. Now let's go!

We met Zuko. I turned all red. Toph knows that I was hiding. And probably she thinks that I have a crush on him! And the worst, she ships us!

Zuko: Guys! Hi...

He's person O.o

Toph: Hi! Where are you going? Katara was spying on you so she's very interested!

Shiiiiiit!!!! Thanks Toph!!! Zuko blushed...wait,Why did he blush? Anyway...TOPH!!!

-I WAS NOT SPYING ON HIM!!!- I yelled.

Toph: Yes, you w...

Zuko: It's okay. I was just going in toilet.

-_________- Now I feel like I am the biggest idiot in the world.Why? Don't ask me! You'll know the answer soon.

-That's it?!- I asked him. That's why I hate myself! What was I thinking when I was asking this question?????!!!!

Zuko: Uum,Katara...Anything else you espected??? O.o

-Nevermind, I need to go sleep.

Zuko: Wait! - he hold my wrist.

-Don't touch me! - He let me go.

This was my disgusting day 2!

Zuko's POV🔥

When Toph left I get out a sigh of relief. Sooo Katara was spying on me...It's good that she didn't find out what was I going to do. To be honest, I liked that fact she was chasing on me. Okay Zuko! You need to go! This is my chance to make Katara really happy! I can't ruin it. LET'S DO THIS!!!


AAAAAAND THIS WAS MY 4TH CHAPTER!!!! Hope you liked it! The next chapter will appear soon! Enjoy your day!👌💕✨

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