It begins...

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A/N: Hii my lovely readers!  Sorry for forcing you to wait so long for this chapter. BTW it'll be really interesting hehe;)

Enjoy! (And don't forget to vote:* )

Zuko's POV

It was morning and I was still waiting for my uncle to wake up. He shaked and yawned. My heart started to beat fast. I was nervous,but then I remembered Katara's words and calmed myself.

-Uncle, I know you must have mixed feelings about seeing me...But I want you to know,-tears started coming from my eyes,-I am so,so sorry uncle, I'm so,sorry and shamed of what I did.I don't know how I can ever make it up to you,but I...-suddenly he hugged me...

I was shocked.

He has tightened the hug.

I was still in shock;

And confused;

And happy...

-How can you forgive me so easily, I thought you'd be furious with me.

Iroh: I was never angry with you,- he was crying too,- I was sad,because I was afraid you lost your way.

-I did lose my way...

Iroh: But you found it again,-he realesed me from hug,-and you did it by yourself,and I'm so happy you found your way here...

-It wasn't that hard uncle,-he hugged me again,-you have a pretty strong sent.

After that we talked about everything that happened since I joined team avatar. I was noticing myself,talking about Katara all time. I guess uncle noticed it too...

Ooooooow,that's bad...


-Uncle,you're the only person,other than the avatar,who can possibly defeat the Father Lord,-the gang was sitting across the bonfire and eating.

Toph: You mean the Fire Lord O.o


-That's what I just said.

Uncle was thinking.

-We need you to come with us! - I tried him to convince me.

Iroh: No,Zuko. It won't turn out well.

-You can beat him,and we'll be there to help,- I looked at my friends...wait, did I just thought "friends"?.. Weird...

Iroh: Even if I did defeat Ozai, and I don't know if I could, it'll be the wrong way to end the war. History will see it as just more senceless violence, a brother killing a brother,to grab power.The only way for this war to end peacefully is for the avatar to defeat the Fire Lord.

He was right.

-And then,then would you come and take your rightfull place on the throne?

Iroh: No.Someone new must take the throne,with unquestionable has to be you,prince Zuko.

I was surprised.

-Unquestionable honor? But I made so many mistakes,- I shrugged.

Iroh: Yes,you have. You struggled,you suffered,but you have always follow your own path, you restore your own honor and only you can restore the honor of the Fire Nation.

-I'll try uncle...

Katara's POV

I was watching him with a proud face. really did a good job. You deserve better life,you deserve the throne of the Fire Nation,you deserve the queen,who will be there for you...I don't know why I thought these last words...

Toph: Well,what if Aang doesn't come back?

Iroh:Sozin's comet is arriving and our destiny is upon us. Aang will face the Fire Lord...

I was carefully listening to the uncle Iroh,who was telling about his destiny,to release the Ba Sing Se from the Fire Nation.

Iroh:Zuko,you must return to the Fire Nation,so that when the Fire Lord falls,you can assume the throne and restore peace and order...But Azula will be there,waiting for you...

Zuko: I can handle Azula.

While he was saying that, I felt nervous. What if Azula kills him? She's so strong!..If I could go with Zuko, I'd protect him if he needs.

Iroh: Not alone. You need help.

OMG "please,can I go with him?"; No,it's bad,ummm"I can go with him and help",-Urgh,what should I say? - I was thinking when I heard:

Zuko: You're right,uncle. Katara!

At my name, I woke up from my thoughts and my heart raced.

Zuko: How'd you like to help me put Azula in her place?

Words can't describe how happy I was in that moment.

-It would be my pleasure,- I answered with a sly smile on my face.

Sokka: What about us? What's our destiny today?

Iroh: What do you think it is?

Sokka:I think that even that we don't know where Aang is, we need to do everything we can to stop this war.


Everyone got ready to move on.

Zuko and I were sitting on Appa.

Zuko: So if I'm gonna be the Fire Lord after the war is over, what you gonna do? - He was asking to his uncle.

I didn't hear what did he say,but that left Zuko smiling,which I really loved...Urgh,that stupid thoughts again!

-Goodbye general Iroh!

Iroh: Goodbye everyone. Today,destiny is our friend, I know it.

These words calmed me. Me and Zuko hit in the air and disappeared in clouds.


Hours went by. Me and Zuko were riding in silence. I wanted to talk to him.We were sitting next to each other,unlike the other rides with him. What should I say??? He was nervous all the time...Suddenly it hit me.

-Zuko,-he seemed to waiting for me to talk. Because when I said his name,he turned around his face in seconds,-Don't worry,we can take Azula.

Zuko: I'm not worried about her, I'm worried about Aang. What if he doesn't have the guts to take out my father. What if he looses? - He looked at me.

-Aang won't lose. He's gonna come back...He has to,- I looked away.

Zuko's POV

I was looking at Katara. She was obviously worried.

-What happened between you and him?

She wasn't waiting for that question to come.

Katara: What do you mean?

-I don't know myself. I'm just asking,because you seem worried.

Katara: No,I'm not. I'm just...I believe him,but I'm afraid what if he'd be bad injured after the fight?

I'm terrible person,I know,but I've to admit that I felt a hint of jealousy.

-You're so worried about him...I guess you're now more worried,than ever was.

Katara: Yes,you're right,- that words hurt more,- it's because I'm worried about you too...

Wait,what? Did she really say that? I smiled,but hid that from Katara. Instead I calmed her:

-Everything will be alright,trust me.


The end of the chapter.

Hope you've liked it.

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Next one will appear soon;)

Enjoy your day:*

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