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Katara's POV

Guys were sleeping. Everyone was exhausted because last night we celebrated returning of Dad and Suki. Zuko acted really weird. She was eyeing me all the time. Does he...?...No,no that can't be! It's impossible! Noway! Zuko doesn't like me! Noo!

I glanced our team.Than looked at Zuko. He was snoring a little bit,but it wasn't annoying,it was really cute...Wait a minute, did I just say that? "Katara,now you're acting weird!"- I said to myself and tried to continue sleeping,but it was impossible. Suddenly I heard some noice. Oh,no! Someone's attacking us!

Everybody got up. The Fire Nation!

Aang provided our safety,but the bombs outbroke everything. I was looking everywhere. Suddenly I heard Zuko screaming.

Zuko: WATCH OUT!!!

I screamed. Zuko hit me and we fell on the ground. In the moment I realized that Zuko was on me and he was holding me tight.For a second his hand gently touched my chest (A/N :  Do not think dirty things! It was an "accident".  Zuko didn't do that intentionally).


Zuko: Keeping rocks from not crushing you.

-Okaay! I'm not crushed. You can get off from me now! - I stood. He said to me something but I didn't hear it. I was running towards Sokka and father.

Zuko's POV

What the? She is driving me crazy!!! I saved her life, I wanted things to be better but she hates me! AGAIN!

- I will take that as thank you... - I said to her. I am not sure if she heard that but anyway. Urrrgh! What I am doing wrong?!

I know what to do! I will save us all and Katara will impressed and grateful about that. Maybe after that she won't hate me anymore...

The guys ran to the tunnel,which was made by Haru and Toph. I ran towards the strikers.

Aang: What are you doing?! - I heard the avatar's voice.

-Go ahead! I will hold them all!

Aang: Zuko! NOOOO!

Katara's POV

He is crazy?! What's with him?! If he wants to die, he can just tell me. I will make his wish come true. Phhh...He wants to be a hero. Phh,stupid prince.

Aang: Zuko! NOOOO!

Sokka and I ran to Aang.

Sokka: Come on! We've got to get out of here!

I was looking at him. He jumped from the hideout and ran. IDIOT!!!


I was looking at Zuko in surpriseness. He was attacking his sister. What a power!...I mean, AZULA's power!

They hit each other and Zuko flew over. He was going to fell down,but I grabbed him with my hand. He saved me,so that's my "Thank you"...


Night.  We were sitting around the fire.

Aang: It really seems like old times,doesn't it?!

Zuko: If you really want to feel like old times I could... um,chase you around and try to capture you?

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