Fire + Water = Beautiful miracle

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A/N: Hey guys! If you noticed I updated my story's cover,which was made by my BFF. So this chapter is dedicated to her. Okay,here's the next chapter ;) Please vote ^^

Zuko's POV

I noticed tears coming from Katara's eyes while she was attacking the Fire Nation soldiers.

-This is his room Katara. Are you ready to face him? - I asked her when we got inside the ship. She didn't answer,she just smashed the water and broke the door. I felt her anger.

When we got inside, the man attacked us shooting us fire. I covered Katara and blocked his attacks.

-Who are you? - the man asked.

-You don't remember her?! You will soon trust me! - I replied and attacked. Then something unbelievable,well for me,happened. The looks like his body is not listening to him. What the??

-WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?! - He shouted.

I looked over Katara. I shoked. She was the reason of this. She was controlling his body. I was amazed by her power. Can waterbenders do that? If so, then probably they're the most powerful benders...

-Think back! Think back to your last ride on southern water tribe! - I said to him angrily.

- I don't know what are you saying,please...I don't know.

-DON'T LIE! - I was really angry! If Katara was not going to kill him, than I will do that!

-You look in those eyes and you tell me you don't remember what you did?! - I pointed at Katara.She forced him with her power to look at her eyes.

Katara: It's not him...-she said quietly.


She let the man free.

Katara: He's not the man...-she said sadly. I was shocked.

-What?! What do you mean he is not?! He's the leader of the Southern Raiders,it has to be the guy!

She didn't answer and left.

I cought the man and hit him on the wall.

-If you're not the man we're looking for, WHO IS?

He told me about the man,and where he live.

Right now, we are going there.


We found him and followed. He was about 60-65 years old.

Katara: That was him,that was the monster...

I saw her body shaking nervously.

-Katara...It's okay, you will be alright...- I tried to calm her and put my hand on her shoulder.

She looked at me confused.

Katara: I am not afraid! I know I will be alright! - and ran towards the old man.

Urgh! Stupid! I AM SO STUPID! Why did I say that to her?! "Okay, I have no time for this,Katara is almost ready to attack."

Suddenly it started to rain. Is this because of Katara?! I don't know.

It was time. I stepped forward and attacked the man.

-Whoever you are,take my money,take whatever you want,just let me go! - the man said.

Then Katara came.

Katara: Do you know who I am?

-No... I am not sure...

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