♡ Two ♡

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The Clique Part 2

Dear Diary, I've been a part of the Heather clique for a couple weeks now. Heather Chandler, out of all the Heathers, has gotten to know me the best. We spend a lot of time together. I'm surprised. Heather can be a real bitch sometimes, but other than that she's not too bad.


"Hey, Ronnie," Heather Chandler smiled, leaning against the locker next to Veronica's.

"Good morning, Heather," Veronica replied.

"Plan on skipping class this morning?" Heather asked, looking down at the shorter girl.

"No," Veronica answered.

"You're so fucking lame, Veronica," Heather groaned.

"Heather, don't you care about your grades?" Veronica asked, walking down the hall.

Heather scurried after the dark haired girl.

"If people aren't letting me cheat off of them, then yes," Chandler replied.

"Why do you need to cheat?" Veronica frowned, turning a corner.

"Because, when you're the queen of the school you don't have time for actual schoolwork," The blonde girl said.

Veronica shook her head. She gave up. Heather Chandler would never care about her grades.

"Where's Duke and Macnamara?" Veronica then asked.

"They're both sick. I told them to stay the hell away from me, there's no way I'm catching that shit," Heather said.

Veronica nodded, glancing up at Heather.

"So, are you actually coming to class or not?" The dark haired girl asked.

"Well, since there's no one to hang in the bathroom with, I guess," Chandler sighed.

This brought a smile to Veronica's face. She walked into the history room and sat down. Heather took a seat behind her.

The rest of history class was boring, even for Veronica. And Heather insisted that Veronica let her cheat.

When the bell rang, the two popular girls stood and made their way out of the classroom.

"Now you see why I skip history class," Heather mumbled.

"Oh, at least it isn't as bad as math," Veronica replied.

"That's easy for you to say. All of the classes are easy for you because you're a mega nerd. Me? Not at all," Chandler said.

"Then how come you're in the advanced class, Heather?" Veronica asked.

"I don't know," The tall blonde hissed.

"I bet you there's some brains in there, you're just afraid to use them because you don't want people to think you're a nerd," Veronica stated, looking up at Heather.

"Whatever, I don't care," Heather grumbled.

The two girls then made their way to English, another one of Heather's least personal favorites.


The rest of the morning went slowly. Despite this, Heather Chandler was having a good day so far. It was strange, she never had good days when she attended all of her classes.

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