♡ Twenty Three ♡

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Dear Diary, I did it. I graduated high school and made valedictorian. I can't believe it. You should've seen Heather. She cried while I gave my speech (did I mention I had to give a speech?) Anyways, I'll be going to Harvard in September. That means I have like, four months with Heather. That's not enough for the four years I'll be gone, though. God, I'm gonna miss her so much. I'm going to try and spend every moment I can with her. I really don't know how I'm going to cope without her.


"Here we are, last day of senior year."

Heather Chandler glanced down at Veronica as she spoke, giving the brunette a little smile.

"I bet you're just thrilled, Ms. Valedictorian. You get to give a speech and everything," The blonde chuckled.

"I guess. It's a bit nerve-wracking, though. Speaking in front of all of those people," Veronica muttered.

"You'll do just fine, Ronnie. I know you will. Now we should probably get out of here, graduation starts in like, five minutes," Heather replied.

Veronica nodded, taking a deep breath before opening the door to the girls restroom, where she and Heather had been hanging out for the morning.

The two girls walked hand in hand to the auditorium, where everyone else had gathered. Heads turned as they made their entrance, a little smirk playing at Heather's lips.

"There you two are," Heather Duke said, approaching the couple, Heather Macnamara right behind her.

"Sorry, I had to give Veronica here a little pep talk," Chandler said matter-of-factly.

"A pep talk on what? The things you're gonna do after graduation?" Duke mused, snickering.

"Very funny. No, I was giving her a pep talk on her speech like the good girlfriend that I am," Chandler answered.

"Oh, I see. What's the matter, Ronnie? Stage fright?" Duke asked.

Veronica shrugged, "I don't know."

"Well you better get over it, because we're leaving now," Duke replied, gesturing to the mass of students getting in alphabetical order.

"Ah, shit. I'll see you soon, okay? Make me proud out there," Chandler smiled, pressing a kiss to Veronica's lips before walking away.

Veronica watched as Chandler strutted off, turning to Duke and Macnamara.

"Good luck with your speech and everything," Macnamara said, giving Veronica a quick wave before walking off.

"Don't do anything to embarrass yourself or you'll regret it for the rest of your life," Duke called as she too walked away.

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