♡ Eleven ♡

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Rainy Day

Dear Diary, I'm going to Heather's today. It's Saturday again. The week really flew by. Anyway, Heather's parents won't be back until Monday (they went on some kind of trip) so I promised I'd stay with her.


"Heather? I'm here," Veronica called as she walked into the house.

There was no response. Veronica walked to Heather's room, sighing. She turned the door knob, only to be stopped by Heather.

"I'm changing, just so you know!" Heather called.

Veronica shrugged, walking into Heather's room. She walked past the half dressed blonde and sat on her bed.

"Why are you changing?" Veronica asked, flopping onto her back.

"Because I've been in my pajamas all morning," Heather replied.

"Heather Chandler staying in her pajamas? What is the world coming to?" Veronica mused.

"Oh, shut up," Chandler said.

The tall girl finished getting dressed rather quickly, taking care of her pajamas. Veronica watched as she then applied her makeup.

"Heather, it's only me. You don't have to get all around," Veronica told her.

"That's ridiculous. You're my girlfriend, of course I'd want to look good for you more than others," Chandler replied.

Veronica shrugged, keeping quiet for a moment. She looked up at Heather again.

"Well you always look good, so you don't need the makeup," The brunette said softly.

Heather turned around, smiling. There was a light blush on her face. Veronica smiled back.

"Thank you, Ronnie, but I need to wear this for the same reason you wear it," The blonde girl said, finishing her makeup.

Veronica knew that reason. They wore makeup not only because they were the top of the foodchain, but because they needed people to know it.

Heather had told her a while back that perfect makeup that makes you look flawless is intimidating. And that's just what they were going for.

The blue shirted girl watched as Heather took a seat on the bed next to her. The red shirted girl rested her head on Veronica's shoulder.

"What do you want to do this whole time?" She asked.

Veronica shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe rent some movies?"

"Sure. What do you want to rent?" The blonde girl asked.

"Well I haven't seen that one movie that came out last year, Chucky," Veronica replied.

"The one about the doll?" Chandler asked, narrowing her brilliant green eyes.

"Yeah, it's suppose to be really scary," The brunette said.

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