♡ Fifteen ♡

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Green With Envy, Yellow With Happiness

Dear Diary, it's me, Veronica. I read Heather's entry before this. She makes me happy. I have to stay home for a few days. Duke broke one of my ribs and I fractured my arm. Luckily it's not my writing arm. I'm hoping Heather comes over after school, things are pretty quiet when you're home alone..


There was a soft knock at Veronica's bedroom door, alarming the brunette.

"Come in," Veronica called, expecting her mother.

Instead, the blonde beauty that was Heather Chandler stepped in. Veronica immediately brightened. Just the sight of her girlfriend made her heart soar.

"Hey, Ronnie," Heather smiled, sitting next to Veronica on her bed.

"Hi," The injured girl replied happily.

"How are you feeling? I've been thinking about you all day," The blonde girl said.

"I could be better. How was school?" Veronica asked, sitting up.

"Boring as hell. I missed you," Chandler replied, pulling Veronica in for a kiss.

The brunette girl kissed her girlfriend back. She too had missed Heather. Usually she was happy to have time to herself, but without Heather everything seemed dull.

"I missed you too. Oh, I forgot to ask; how was Duke today?" Veronica asked after pulling away.

"She's done, Veronica. She's the official laughing stock of the school," Chandler replied with a smirk.

"Damn. What'd you do to her?" Veronica giggled.

"Well first I beat the shit out of her. Then I picked her up, ripped her scrunchie out, and threw her into the pool," Heather replied, proud of herself.

"You took her scrunchie?!" Veronica exclaimed, eyes wide.

"Damn right. I hung that shit up on my wall like taxidermy, too," Chandler beamed.

"I wonder what she's doing now," Veronica said.

"Probably trying to find a new school," Heather snickered.


"I can't believe her, Heather!" Duke exclaimed.

"Shh, I know," Macnamara replied, stroking the other girl's hair.

Nobody knew, but Duke and Macnamara had been in a relationship of their own. Some might have said Duke was too much of a bitch to Macnamara, but it was all an act.

Duke was afraid of being picked on, and so wasn't Macnamara. They didn't want to deal with the shit Heather Chandler and Veronica did. So they decided that Duke would be a total asshole to Macnamara at school, but at home things were different.

Heather Duke loved Heather Macnamara. And Heather Macnamara loved Heather Duke.

As of right now, Macnamara was trying to calm Duke. The green suited girl was still very upset about the events of Ram's party.

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