♡ Ten ♡

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Dear Diary, I can't stop thinking about Heather. I made her cry. I never wanted to make her cry. The last time I saw her was Friday. It's Sunday. Christ, I'm such a terrible girlfriend. I really hope Heather is okay.


Heather Chandler hadn't slept all weekend.

She thought of Veronica. She made Veronica cry. She almost killed them both.

All she wanted was to talk to Veronica, but she felt that Veronica didn't want her around. Heather wasn't use to this type of relationship. If she ever got into a fight with one of the guys she "dated", it was an immediate breakup. But this time it was different.

Heather wanted to stay with Veronica. She hoped Veronica wouldn't break up with her. She couldn't imagine what she'd do if that happened.

The blonde girl finished doing her hair at her vanity. It was clean now. She had spent Saturday cleaning her room.

She wanted to see Veronica, but she had no way of doing so. Her car was gone. Her parents had taken their cars to work.

Heather then decided she'd walk.

On her way to Veronica's, she tried to think of what to say. If Veronica told her to leave she would.

Finally Heather had reached Veronica's house. She noticed no cars. Veronica's parents must've been working.

The red suited girl cautiously opened the door. Silently, she walked in and made her way upstairs.

Veronica's bedroom door was closed. Heather took a deep breath before opening it.

Veronica looked up from the book she was reading. Heather stood in the door way, looking Veronica into the eyes.

"I'm sorry."

That was enough to put both of them in tears. Heather walked over to Veronica's bed and sat down. She was taken by surprise as Veronica pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry, too."

Heather wiped her eyes as Veronica buried her face in her chest. The blonde girl ran her fingers through Veronica's frazzled hair.

"I didn't mean to yell at you," Veronica sniffled, voice muffled.

"Don't apologize, Ronnie. You don't have to apologize," Heather replied softly.

"Why?" Veronica asked.

"Because this is my fault. I did something so fucking stupid. I risked our lives, more importantly yours. I risked Duke and Macnamara's lives. I wouldn't listen to you and I should have," Heather replied, tears rolling down her cheeks again.

"I was scared, Heather. I could have lost you. Or you could've lost me," Veronica bursted into more tears.

Heather hugged Veronica tightly, heart sinking at the hurt in Veronica's voice.



"Do you even care about us? About me?" Veronica asked through sobs.

It was something she'd been wondering since they went to the hospital.

Heather broke into hysterical sobs, "Of course I do. I care about you more than anything, I promise you that."

Veronica looked up at Heather, who wiped her tears. The blonde girl had such a sincere look on her face. Veronica had never seen her in such a state.

"I'm scared, Veronica," Heather admitted.

"Scared of what?" Veronica asked.

"That you're going to break up with me. I don't want to lose you," Chandler replied, tears ruining her makeup.

Veronica shook her head, taking Heather's hands in her own.

"I won't leave you, Heather. I couldn't," The brunette said softly.

Heather hugged Veronica.



"I.. I love you."

Veronica smiled, running her fingers through Heather's beautiful curls. Heather Chandler had never told anyone but her parents that she loved them. And yet, it didn't take long for her to come to the conclusion she loved the blue shirted girl in her arms.

"I love you, too," Veronica smiled.


Heather and Veronica had decided to take a nap shortly after their talk. Neither of them had gotten a wink of sleep all weekend.

Heather woke up first. Veronica's arms were wrapped around her. The blonde girl smiled and looked at the sleeping brunette.

She got out of the bed, stretching. She then found some paper and a pen. The tall girl sat at Veronica's desk and started writing.

Dear Veronica, I did not leave. I'm in the kitchen. Come down here when you wake up!

Forever yours, Heather

It wasn't anything fancy, but it got Heather's message across. She then went downstairs and got the ingredients to bake cookies.

It was rather lonely without Veronica, but Heather was okay. She put the cookies into the oven, as soon as she did a voice sounded from behind her.

"Dear Heather, I'm glad you didn't leave. I'm here now, and by the smell of it you're making cookies. You're the best. Forever yours, Veronica," The blue shirted girl smiled.

Heather turned around, returning Veronica's smile.

"What's the occasion?" Veronica asked.

"There is no occasion. I'm just baking for the best fucking girlfriend ever," Heather replied happily.

Veronica laughed, sitting at the table. Heather sat across from her.



"You're really gay."


Later on that night, Veronica went up to her room with the cookies Heather made for her. They were very good. Heather was a great baker.

Veronica grabbed her diary and the note Heather had written. She smiled and opened her diary.

Dear Diary, I love Heather Chandler.


Meanwhile, Heather Chandler had been reorganizing the photos on her wall. Once she was done, she grabbed her old diary and sat on her bed.

Dear Diary, I love Veronica Sawyer.♡

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