♡ Seventeen ♡

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J.D. Takes Action

Dear Diary, I'm scared. I'm terrified, mortified. What happened today has ruined everything, and I don't know if I'm going to be okay. I can't write it out without getting tears all over the paper. What I can tell you is I hate Jason Dean.


Jason Dean hated Heather Chandler.

He hated how popular she was. He hated how much of a bitch she was. And most of all, he hated that she had taken Veronica Sawyer.

He thought Veronica could definitely do better. Heather didn't deserve a girl as good as Veronica, not at all.

J.D. had been thinking of how he could end Veronica and Heather's relationship for a while now. He wanted Veronica all to himself.

Tonight there was going to be a formal dance. The trenchcoat boy knew the couple would be there, and he had quite the plan. It'd taken many, many failed plans. But he was just sure this one would work.

Heather Chandler was one bitch that deserved to die, that was for sure.


"Ronica, Sweetness, come on! We're going to be late!" Chandler called, placing her hand on the doorknob.

Suddenly the short brunette scurried downstairs. Heather took a moment to admire the little blue dress on the petite girl. She smiled.

"Ready to go?" Heather asked, wrapping an arm around the shorter girl's waist.

"Yeah. You look really good tonight, by the way," Veronica fumbled, blushing.

Chandler snickered, walking Veronica out to her Porsche. Once they were both in and situated, the blonde turned the radio on. She pulled out of her driveway, heading to the school.

Veronica watched out the window. She knew there would be alcohol at the dance, which meant she'd have to take care of a drunk Heather.

After only a few minutes, the girls had reached the school. Veronica hopped out, waiting for Heather. She watched the red dressed girl check her makeup in the mirror before she got out.

Once she got out, Chandler tightened the red scrunchie in her hair. She walked over to Veronica and took the brunette's hand, leading her inside.

The queen bee dropped their money for admission on the table in the lobby, heading to the gym, where the dance was taking place.

Heather pushed open the gym doors, smirking.

"What's up, bitches?!" She shouted, strutting into the gym.

Veronica followed behind her lover, listening to the bumping music playing. She watched as Macnamara scurried to approach them, Duke following behind her.

"You guys look so good!" The yellow dressed girl exclaimed.

"For the bitches you are, you do clean up nice," Duke chimed in.

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