♡ Twenty One ♡

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Together Again

Dear Diary, things are starting to look up for me. At least I hope so. I can't take anymore shit.



Veronica peered over her shoulder to see the one and only Heather Chandler.

The brunette girl felt her bottom lip trembling, tears welled in her eyes. She quickly hoisted herself back into the red room, nearly face planting, but caught herself. The short girl broke into a run, colliding with the taller girl and wrapping her arms around her.

Heather couldn't even manage to speak. She clutched the brunette close, holding onto her for dear life.

"I'm so sorry," Veronica whimpered, crying into the blonde's chest.

Suddenly Heather's emotions changed. She felt bitter. The red clad girl pushed Veronica away from her, tears of anger welling in her own green eyes.

"You have exactly five minutes to explain what the hell you did to me," She said through gritted teeth, trying to hold her tears back.

Veronica looked up at Heather helplessly. Tears streamed down her pale cheeks. Heather quickly wiped her eyes and gave the small girl a stern look.

"I.." Veronica trailed off, voice breaking.

Suddenly all words seemed ineffable. She tried to get them out, and she thought Heather would understand. But the taller girl just stood with an angry look on her face.

"I-it was J.D. He said he was going to kill you if I didn't break up with you, and after what happened with the drain cleaner I wasn't taking any chances," Veronica finally replied, bursting into more tears.

Heather was taken back a bit. She took a moment to process the brunette's words, meeting her gaze.

"I didn't want to leave you, Heather," Veronica sobbed.

Heather couldn't help but notice how pathetic Veronica looked. A part of her wanted to embrace the blue clad girl and tell her it would be okay, but another part of her wanted to smack her across the face and tell her just how much pain she caused.

"I'm sorry, Heather, I'm so sorry," Veronica muttered through her tears.

Heather looked the girl up and down. She took notice that her hands were trembling. The look on her face was completely full of sorrow.

The blonde locked gazes with the brunette for a moment, and again her emotions changed. Her expression softened, and she stepped toward the pale girl.

"Veronica.." Heather muttered, cupping the frazzled hair girl's cheek in her hand.

Veronica's doe like eyes glanced up at Heather, filled with tears. The taller girl gently wiped the tears that were falling away with her thumb.

Heather took a shaky breath, averting her eyes for a moment. She missed Veronica, she really did, but she was scared.

"I love you," Heather said softly, looking at Veronica once again.

It felt as if she were saying it for the first time. It was like foreign words coming from her mouth.

Veronica sniffled, and Heather brushed some hair out of her face.

"I love you, too," Veronica said weakly, leaning into Heather's touch.

The blonde then pulled the brunette close, letting the smaller girl hide her face in her chest and cry. She ran her fingers through Veronica's brown locks, kissing the top of her head.

The red clad girl noticed how much Veronica was crying. She was crying so much, her body was trembling.

"Hey," Heather said gently.

Veronica looked up at the queen bee, her eyes were a little bloodshot from crying.

Heather then gently lifted Veronica's chin with her thumb, leaning down to press her lips to the brunette's.

Heather took notice of how much she desperately missed kissing Veronica. The feeling of her lips on the smaller girl's after such a long time felt like rain after a drought.

She needed Veronica. It was as if she was addicted and just had the worst withdrawal to ever exist. But here she was, relapsing.

Veronica soon melted into the kiss, wrapping her arms around the blonde's neck. Heather pulled Veronica closer, entangling her fingers in brunette locks.

"My god, I missed you so much." Heather mumbled between kisses.

The two remained kissing for quite a while. Finally, Heather pulled away. She looked down at Veronica, tears running down her own cheeks now.

"Welcome back, Sawyer," She chuckled softly, pulling the other girl close again.

Veronica smiled, nuzzling her face into the crook of Heather's neck. The red clad girl pressed her lips to the top of Veronica's head for a bit. She soon lifted the shorter girl up, holding onto her like a lifeline.

The two girls stayed like this for a while, until Heather sat down on her bed. Still, she held Veronica close, keeping the smaller girl in her lap.

Veronica wrapped her legs around Heather now, keeping her face in the crook of the red clad girl's neck.

They stayed like this for hours, just sitting in complete silence, holding eachother.

While no words were spoken, and neither of them moved a muscle, they could feel the love.

And that was enough.

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