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*13 hours earlier*

"Okay, we're done!" My producer calls, causing me and the guys to erupt in a flurry of excitement.
"FIVE HOURS TO GO, HOBI!" The boys yell, causing me to laugh at their silliness.
"And people call me the silly one!" I reply, walking to my bottle to get a drink. I slump against the wall, pouring the water into my mouth and all over my sweaty face. I decide I should run behind the boys and shake my head like a dog, to spray them with water. Quietly getting up, I creep behind them as they watch back the footage from rehersal. I smirk to myself, shaking my head like a dog. The boys jump, shouting in horror and cursing at me. I laugh maniacally, walking back to my drink bottle. Sliding back onto the floor, I drink more, refreshing myself after my hard work. I pick up my phone, looking through my messages. Ten hours of leaving it be really kills my phone. It goes into OVERLOAD trying to keep my notifications on some sort of order for me.
I need a new phone really. And to stop abandoning it for so long. It's really down to me refusing to look at it in breaks. I need some self control on this thing! I spend what must be half an hour fully immersed in clearing the notifications while I cool down, because when I finish, I'm left alone in the dance studio. I sigh, wondering if they really left me here.
I get up and look around. The lights are still on, so they can't have left that long ago.
I walk into the dark, unlit corridor outside. It's definately been a while. I call out.
"Hello?" I yell into the corridor. No reply, but the light flicker on, shocking me. "Ahhh!" I yell, before remembering the lights are noise activated as well as motion. I look down the now-well-lit corridor, spotting nothing. It's probably been a good ten minutes before they gave up and left me. This was normal, and even though it's my birthday, they still mess about with me like this. I chuckle to myself, walking back into the dance studio and packing my bag. I kneel down, putting my water bottle and my hat into the bag and grabbing out my jacket. I zip up the bag, throwing my jacket over my shoulders and slipping into it. As I zip up my jacket, I feel warm once again, as after cooling down, I had begun to shiver unconsciously. I took a moment to appreciate the warmth of my jacket, moments later snapping out of my trance and picking up both my bag and my phone. I check my phone to see if anyone had text me to say where they were, but nothing. I shake my head slightly as I walk out of the studio into the corridor. As i walk along, I occasionally look up from my phone screen,making sure I was aware if I wasn't alone.
By the time I got to the entrance, ready to leave, I took one last look at my phone. Nothing. Sliding it into my pocket, I push the door open, the cold air outside hitting me. I shiver, walking out into the street and looking around me. Few people walked the street at this hour. Taking a glance at my watch, I note that I leave at 9:20pm, wanting to know how long I took to get to the dorms. I pull my sleeve back over my watch, venturing out into the cold unknown, just trying to get home.

Hey guys! Hope ypu enjoyed yhe second chapter!
I'm sorry for the lack of posts, I've been very busy and the only book I could work on was my Tae FanFic book! That has nearly finished, so if you haven't yet, go check it out! You can find it on my page!
Again, I'm sorry for the lack of posts, but I promise this will get posted more often!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this second chapter and can't wait for the next!

My Amazing Little Wonders!
Until the Next Chapter!

Chapter Word Count: 609 Words

BTS Hobi Fic: A Birthday Boy's Special Day (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now