What Have I Done?

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This chapter involves some violence and the use of guns. If you are sensitive to either of these topics, please proceed with caution or skip this chapter. I will recap at the start of the next chapter if you do not read.

If you do read, then enjoy.

But wait!
I yank my hand away.
How am I going to defend myself if I'm actually right?
I look down the corridor. Nothing shows. I make my way slowly to the stairs. As I arrive at the stairs, a final door appears, one I haven't seen before. A single door the other side of the stairs. I walk closer, reaching my hand out. I grab the door handle, yanking the door. It flies open.
A closet.
Old cleaning supplies line the dirty walls, the shelves cleared out for weapon after weapon to lie, hidden away from the world. I slowly move forward, looking frantically around at all the weapons I discovered. I find a small pocketknife, attaching it to the front right of my belt, also grabbing a set of pistols, attaching a holster on either side. I take a moment, checking my magazines are loaded before holstering my loaded pistols, grabbing a couple more full magazines for my back pocket and walking out of the closet. I slowly make my way back to the door the other side of the stairs. I check each door on the way. None decide to open. I reach the door, placing my right hand on the door handle, grabbing a pistol in my left hand. It's time. Now.
I fling the door open, slinging my pistol into my right hand and instantly shooting a guard stood menacingly over Yeon Rin. I duck out of the doorway, falling to the floor in shock as I hear her scream in shock. She quickly falls silent. My mind begins to race, confusion flooding my mind. Did I really just shoot someone? That easily?
I take a breath, leaning into the doorway and shooting another guard down. I recover, questioning how many guards could be there. I pant, scared about what I'm actually doing. I'm killing guards. This is new. I sigh, standing up and preparing to go in. I check how many bullets I have left in my gun. I find two. I lean in once more, using the two bullets to shoot down a third guard. I hear him fall to the floor as I take cover again. Swapping out my magazine for a fresh one, I try to ignore the large thud made when the guard hits the floor, the immediate groan easily sending chills down my spine. Wait, how am I doing this so effortlessly? I sigh, glancing down at my newly-reloaded pistol before moving into the doorway, taking out three guards in a row, shooting them effortlessly in their line from right to left. They effortlessly fall to the floor, leaving the room silent. I begin to pant, lowering my pistol slowly to face the floor. I look into Yeon Rin's eyes, the crystal blue pools staring back at me. She seems... disappointed? I sigh, falling to my knees.
What have I done?

Chapter Word Count: 483 Words

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