The Men in Black

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I stumble backwards, looking for who I bumped into. But nothing and no-one was there. I scratch my head, continuing forwards as I wonder what caused me to stop in my tracks like that. I ran possibilities through my head. Nothing struck me as possible. I began to look about my path, not wanting to have another unexpected collision.
My phone rings. I yank it out of my hoodie's pocket and glance at the screen. 'UNKNOWN NUMBER' flashes across the screen. I pause for a moment, stopping dead in my tracks, wondering whether to take the call. I shake my head, beginning to walk again as I click the green phone button and pull the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" I call down the phone.
"HoSeok." A familiar voice replies.
"Oh, Jungkook! Why did my phone say  you are an unknown number? Where are you? You left me! I'm walking home on my own in the dark. I'm near our dorms though." I ramble down the phone.
"Thank you." Another voice calls to you, before the phone goes dead.
"Huh?" I mutter to myself, looking briefly at my phone before putting it back in my pocket, shaking my head. I continued to stroll along, turning a corner to face two guys donned in all black. I stop, looking these guys up and down. Something isn't right.
"Hello, HoSeok." One calls out. I begin to back up.
"We're here for you, mate." The other tries to reassure me. I wasn't having this! I inched back to the corner, taking my chance to dash down the corner again. I heard yells and heavy footsteps behind me, but I carried on running for my life. Most probably literally.
I take a right back into the backstreets, taking lefts and rights that even I couldn't follow or replicate. Getting lost in the moment, I begin parkouring to higher ground in a desperate attempt to escape. I reach a third-floor balcony, ducking as the men rush past the paths below. As the footsteps fade into the distance, I slowly stand up, scanning my surroundings to make sure I was safe.
I began my long descent down the metal fire escape ladder on the balcony. I began counting my lucky stars that I was in all black today. Nothing was luckier for me.
As my feet touched the ground, everything was silent. It was so spooky, I tried to ignore it and carry on home. I tried to backtrack the backstreets around me, but it took forever to get back out to the streets. The world seemed to move around me as I exited the backstreets, throwing me off balance. I fell to the floor, and everything went black.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed that chapter! Sorry it's so short, but the next chapter should be longer!

My Amazing Little Wonders!
Until the Next Chapter!

Chapter Word Count: 456 Words

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