The big news

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"So now that we're all here, what is it you want to tell us Stuart?" My fear then spoke. I was sitting next to Murdoc on the couch as mother and father sat next to each other across from us it was silent and I squeezed Murdoc's hand hoping he'd say something. I looked over to him who was looking down at his feet silently. I sighed and looked back at my parents I had left my coat upstairs on the bed hoping they didn't notice anything But in the end it didn't matter because I was telling them anyways. "Well Murdoc and I... are going to have a child." I then said softly. Murdoc froze and his hand started to shake he then moved his hand away putting his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer. "Yeah we're having a kid." He then said turning towards me with a smile pecking me on the lips. They looked at us silently still processing the situation mother then sighed. "How many months Stuart?" She looks at me in the eyes. "Three" I said quickly looking at her back she seemed upset but my father looked the opposite. "My little stu is expecting I'm so happy I am to be a grandpapa." He said cheerfully. I smiled a little looking at my mother who seem emotionless. "Mum." I broke her gaze and she turned her head to look at me then she got upset and left to the kitchen.

I let out a shaky breath and Murdoc held me tightly. "Its okay" he whispered kissing my cheek. "I love you." I smiled pulling him closer. "Me too." I whispered. "Murdoc I think you should go on home and take Stu, I'll go talk to Rachel about this." Murdoc nodded slowly helping me up. "I'll call as soon as we get home." My father nodded and rubbed my cheek as he smiled softly at me. "I'm happy for you darling don't mind your mother I'm sure she'll understand." I nodded slowly as he walked back over to the kitchen. Soon enough Murdoc and I were already in the car driving home it was a silent drive and once again I was gazing out the window watching the cars go by.

"Well that was bloody fuckin' fantastic., don't you think doll?!" Murdoc broke the silence as he growled.

"Relax Muds'. "I said quietly. "She'll understand we just have to give it some time."

"Fuck!" he exclaimed. "I know she fucking hates me ever sense we started dating, ever sense I knocked you're eyes out she didn't like me!" Murdoc yelled looking angrily ahead.

"Luv, relax she haves a reason to be upset and I know you've changed and she will too it's only a matter of time." I said softly.

"At least David likes me." He said more calmly.

I smiled and nodded. We were home and Murdoc parked the Winnie outside still sitting on his seat. "2D" he said quietly. "Yes" I looked over to him. "Why did you marry me? He stared silently out the window. "Why did you marry me even though Rachel asked you not to, even after everything I did to you?" I looked at him with soft eyes. "Because I love you." I responded. "And because my mother can't make decisions anymore for me, I'm not a child." I looked away slowly as the atmosphere got quiet. "She was trying to protect you from me." He then said. "I know but I love you and that's all that matters, she's not going to change that." Murdoc softly smiles to himself and nodded. "You go in then love I think I'll still be in the Winnie for a bit." I nodded moving out the car leaving Murdoc to his thoughts. I walked back in the house and slowly up the steps closing the door behind me. I took a long hot shower and slipped on Murdoc's shirt and a pair of pink shorts that I wore in our bedroom. laid over on the bed, apparently Russel and Noddle were already asleep so I checked my phone to see what time it was Murdoc had been sitting in the car for about 32 minutes or so I thought, well maybe he slept in it who knows. I looked at the screensaver it was a picture of us on our wedding day I smiled I thought Murdoc Look so good in a Tux he almost didn't wear it and as for me I wore a wedding dress it was a slim dress with lace at the arms and an open back it had a long tail and it was very beautiful but I though it would look a lot more better on a model or somefink, Murdoc insisted Upon it even so I didn't really feel comfortable wearing it I think it's because i wanted him to wear the tux. We were holding hands with a big smile on our faces I never knew Murdoc could smile so beautifully when he wanted to everyone was there my parents, Russel and Noddle, celebrities whom we have collabed with and consider family, even Murdoc's Dad and Brother too. I put the phone down to look at my wedding band on my finger remembering when Murdoc first slipped it on. Murdoc wasn't the biggest fan of marriages considering his religion but he still tried and that made me happy. He hardly wore his wedding ring because he was afraid of loosing it but he does when we're or he is in public.

I smiled softly resting my hand back against my belly feeling the warmth beneath my hand. "You know little one." I started talking. "Me and Murdoc, or I should say your father are going to take care of you and you're going to be happy." I smiled rubbing in small circles. "I wonder what we're going to call you, I don't know your gender yet but pretty soon we'll know." I said finally.

Murdoc walked in the room closing the door softly behind him. "Who the fuck' are you talking to dullard?" He walked slowly towards the bed looking down at me. "The baby." I whispered softly smiling up at him he smiled back rubbing my hair softly. "How is it doing." I rubbed my belly again. "Fine." I spoke, he nodded. He sat on the other side of the bed. "I thought you wasn't gonna come anymore Muh'doc." He looked at me blinking. "What made you think that luv'? This is my bloody house and I do live e're." I shrugged. "I just thought I guess, cause' you took a long time." He nodded, we remained silent for a while until I came up with something to say again. "We should start thinking about baby names." I said looking at him. "I'm tired of you calling the baby an IT." He shifted on the bed looking at me. "Well it's not my fault I don't know the bloody gender yet!" He gave a small shout. "I know hunny, let's just come up with some names." He nodded silently. "Boy names first!" He said with a smile, I agreed. "I actually thought of Muh'doc maybe he can be a Jr. If it's a boy." He first thought about it then his grinned widen.

"I actually like that 2D guess you are bright after all." He said teasingly. "Oh shut it!, so now that the boy names is knocked out the way let's move to the girl names." I smiled sitting up excitedly Murdoc helping me up. "I've been thinking about girl names a lot and I actually have a few suggestions so what about Aria, I actually grew found of that name." He looked at me expressionless for a while then spoke. "Fuck no, I don't like it!" He growled. "I once shaged a girl with that name in Mexico, she wouldn't stop fucking talking." I was glaring at him so bad he noticed it. "Alright, alright I'm sorry." Murdoc stared at me then looked at my head, or so I thought he was I couldn't tell because he looked cross-sided. "I've actually thought about this name but I don't know if you'd like it." He rested his hand against my belly rubbing it softly as his long fingers spread out against the round surface . "Tell me." I said softly holding his hand against my stomach. He looked at me slowly mumbling something I couldn't quite hear. "What was that Muds?" He looked at me and said. "Blu." Firmly and looked away I could tell he was embarrassed but I only smiled and held his hand tightly.

"Muh'doc I love it!" A smile tugged at the corner of his lips and I kissed it holding his his cheeks.

"You don't think it's stupid?" He looked at me with wondering eyes.

"Of course not it's cute." He smiled relieved. "I thought about it sense you're hair is so beautifully blue, every time I picture our girl I see her with blue hair." I kissed him pulling him into a hug.

"So it's a girl?" I smirked. "Oh shut it faceache, its definitely a boy" he blushed a little.
"Well I love it that's exactly what we'll name her." He held me close nodding into my neck.

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