Its time we said goodbye

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Was he going to stop me or was he just going to let this happen a part of me wanted to but then apart of me didn't, I wanted to be happy just as much as anyone else did and maybe This was it, it was time.

"Do you John Richard Richmond take this woman Stella Valenia Pot to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto her for as long as you both shall live?
If so, answer " I DO."

"I do." He breathed softly.

"Stella Valenia Pot do you take John Richard Richmond to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and health, to love, honor and obey, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live?
If so, answer " I DO. "

Can I continue, or do I.... I could see Murdoc in the back just staring at me I could see the pain look in his eyes and the tears that fell from it.

"I do." I felt my heart break a little but held my head high.

"If there be anyone present who may show just and lawful cause why this couple may not be legally wed, let him speak now or forever hold his peace. John looked into my eyes and I could see that he wanted to cry he looked soo happy and I didn't want anyone to ruin it I wanted him to be happy forever because he deserved it, he deserved it so much finally after soo long.

No one answered not even Murdoc who stood there by the entrance leaning back against the gates with his arms crossed and his head held low his shabby bang's covering his eyes. I felt John hold my hands slowly and it took me by surprise. I felt the cool ring slipped on my finger and I smiled up at him doing the same for his finger.

"By the authority vested in the book Of god I now pronounce you man and wife and what God hath joined together, let no man nor woman put asunder, you may kiss the bride."

After Our kiss... he was gone... I wanted to go after him but my legs they wouldn't move they wouldn't run and now I belonged to someone else.

"Mr. and Mrs. Richmond ladies and gentlemen." I could hear the claps and the cheers the joyful smiles by friends and family, I should be happy right? I am...


"D you look so beautiful." Noodle said softly.

"Thank you Noods have you seen Muds I need to talk to him." I looked down at her slowly holding her by her shoulder.

"He went around the back he's smoking a cigarette but I think this is very overwhelming for him to be here so don't approach him too quickly D, okay?."

"Yeah, I'll be back." She nodded. Everyone was here John's family and friends and mines I finally got to see his parents again after two months ago during the wedding planning and they were the kindest people I've always remembered them to be I was happy when they told John that they were soo proud of him and that they were sorry they ever tried to change who he was to keep their family legacy his father told him he was proud to have a Doctor as his son in the Richmond family and he was crying heavenly that day pure of happiness even Richard's younger siblings were there. As I held my long dress running out the gate and around the back. It led to a beautiful forest path and below it down the hill was the sea as I followed the path the same music from the Venue was playing as I got closer There I noticed him standing right were Noddle said he would be, smoking a cigarette. "Hey!" I yelled at him as he tuned around slowly he wasn't crying anymore but he did look sad. I looked away from him slowly putting my dress down and slipping my heels off my feet then I removed the long vail from my head dropping it next to the shoes.

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