No more mysteries

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"Stuart we can't be late to our first ultrasound." murdoc yelled from downstairs. "coming!." I replied back from the bedroom while slipping on my light denim shorts and regular white t-shirt dashing out the room and walking quickly down the steps. "Fuck!Dullard what took so bloody long?!" I smiled and step down the last step hugging Murdoc. "Sorry muds we can leave now." He looked down and frowned. "Where are your bloody shoes?!." I looked down as well and grinned at him. "I forgot to put em' on, you keep rushing me." He rolled his eyes and got my pink chucks from the entrance of the door. "Sit on the stairs I'll help you put these on so we can leave." I nodded doing what I was told sitting down. Murdoc quickly fixed my socks and slipped on my shoes tying the laces. "Are we ready now bluebird?" I smiled softly kissing his lips nodding slowly he let out a little groan and helped me up. "Come on now or we're gonna to be late." He held my hand opening the door and closing it behind us.


The drive was silent this time, the seeds - can't seem to make you mine was playing on the radio and Murdoc was singing along to it while tapping the steering wheel with his thumbs along to the beat bobbing his head around. I smiled looking at him while holding my belly not getting over the excitement of our first ultrasound. "We won't know the gender yet but at least we'll know how many we're having." Murdoc nodded slowly. "I wouldn't be shocked if we had six of them in there." He chuckled to himself. "Me too, we have too much sex." I giggled. "Not lately." Murdoc murmured keeping steady on the road. I stared at him slowly and blinked. "I - i'm sorry Muhdo'c I'll try much harder." Don't be stupid 2D you're pregnant so don't worry I'm just talking we can wait, after all the baby is more important." He calmly spoke and I nodded remaining silent.

I felt bad for neglecting Murdoc when it came to sex but honestly I always turned him away because I was more concerned about the baby and never in the mood for such things anymore, maybe sometimes but when we try something would always happen, or get in the way. It would start with Murdoc sneaking in bed with me late at night he kisses me and rubs my body all over I'd wake up to see him then I'll tell him "Not now Muds." he'd walk out the door and slam it not being not caring if Russell and noodle sleeping I assume he'd go to his Winnebago and drink his rum away because the next morning he'd smell like it or maybe he just leaves to take care of himself and it happens very often but I still pay no mind to it until now to say the least it really bothers me how Murdoc is suffering with his sexual frustration I know i have to make it up to him, and I also knew how to do it.

"Aye, Faceache!" I snapped out of it realizing the car had been stopped moving. "You know how long I've been calling you moron, we're here let's go!" He got out of the car closing his side of the door and went a round to open mine for me. I stepped out slowly as he closed it back and locked the door. I never minded the name calling like Noods and Russell did I believed that although he called me all these things he just said them because he gets mad very easily and he couldn't help it. I mean he's Murdoc, I know he still loves me but he just haves many ways of showing it and I adored him for it.

I grabbed Murdoc's arm slowly hugging it as we began to walk to the hospital the glass doors slid open as we stepped in walking to the front desk where our appointment was awaiting us. "Mr. Niccals and Mrs. Niccals welcome we have been expecting you please go to room 23 the doctor will be with you both shortly." Murdoc nodded and held my hand leading me down the hall and entering room 23 the room was big and more different from regular hospitals murdoc insisted on taking me to a fancy hospital because of paparazzi's I didn't really wanted to but whatever works best for the baby. The doctor eventually came in and smiled at us. "Hello I'm Dr. Richmond nice to meet you I'll be taking your ultrasound for today." I smiled back and nodded removing my coat and handing it to Murdoc. Murdoc took the coat and shook the doctor's hand trying his best to be polite as possible. My stomach was slightly bigger but I felt a lot more comfortable with it.

I looked up at the Doctor with soft eyes he reminded me of someone but maybe it was just me, same name and everything, Richmond. "Stuart can you lay on the bed and lift your shirt please." The doctor spoke softly as he sat on the chair and rolls himself in front of the large screen setting up the equipment. I did as I was told lifting my shirt up above my belly and laid down carefully. Murdoc was sitting on a chair next to the bed he looked at me and pulled off the most nicest smile he can manage I grinned at him stupidly reaching for his hand he held it as we waited patiently for the doctor to finish. Murdoc hands was shaky but he still held my hand very firmly I could tell he was nervous and I couldn't blame him because I was as well. "Alright seems like we're ready to start." The doctor smiled and stood up from his chair walking over towards the edge of the bed slipping on his rubber gloves. The bed started to recline slowly until I was sitting up. "Alright Stuart this is going to feel a tad bit cold. I nodded slowly looking at Murdoc who was paying attention to what the doctor was doing. The cool transparent liquid was being spread against my sensitive skin as I shivered. The large screen turn on and only a gray darkness could be seen the doctor picked up the wand device and press it against my belly moving it around slowly he looked at the screen as Murdoc and I did as well in search of the baby. The doctor smiled and pointed to the screen. "There they are!." I blinked slowly as my face lit up with a huge smile. "There's two?!" Murdoc seemed expressionless but I wasn't really paying much attention to it. "Yes, there's two of them they're twins and they are perfectly healthy congratulations to the both of you please do come back in 2 months for a check up." Doctor Richmond looked at me one last time slowly and smiled before he walked out of the room. He was really handsome like movie star handsome, piercing blue eyes and a gorgeous a smile with brunette hair but overall he seemed awfully familiar like John...

Murdoc still held my hand but it seems to be shaking more than before. "Muds you're alright?." I asked questionably he seemed to be lost in thoughts because he didn't answer me right away. "Yeah." He responded still not blinking from the screen. "Dr. Richmond printed the ultrasound pictures and put it on the desk for us before he left the room did you hear? we're having twins." I smiled softly feeling teary he didn't say anything and I feel my heart sink. I took my hand back getting some tissue to wipe off the substance from my stomach. "2D, I'm sorry." Murdoc spoke softly rubbing his face. "I - i'm just a bit surprised that theirs two that's all." I smiled a little and moved to get the ultrasound pictures sitting down on Murdoc's lap. "Look Murdoc'h see these little white blobs?, that's our babies." Murdoc looked at the picture and nodded with a smile. "They were wiggling in there but I could barely feel it and Dr. Richmond said they're healthy so I'm really happy about that. Murdocc held me close against his chest kissing my head. "I love you dullard and these little white blobs." I smiled and kissed up his neck softly nodding into the crook of his neck.

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