The Story Of Stella Pot

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I remember when I was sixteen years old I was only a girl when I discovered that I was growing hair in places I shouldn't have. Over time I thought it was normal but everyday I looked in the mirror and I see myself changing it was like Puberty was going in a different direction I couldn't understand my drastic change I was much taller and it seemed I was growing hair on my face but still no breasts. All the girls in school made fun of me for not having any but I was still pretty popular with boys. At that time I was going to St. Wilfred's Junior high I had long brunette hair and two perfectly good eyeballs. I fell out off a tree at the age of eleven hitting my head it caused all my hair to fall out, I refused to go back to school, being called flat chested didn't bother me but bald I couldn't take that.

My hair was now an azure blue, I loved it but I didn't understand how it was possible that my hair turned a different color just by falling out of a tree and hitting my head. Mum is a Nurse so she provided all the medicine i needed for it. Going back to school wasn't a problem everyone liked my hair but I still didn't have breasts. I started high school in St. Wilfred's high and graduated I wanted to go to college to study law but I didn't have any money for it and mah' parents didn't have enough to put me though school either so I decided to get a job at Uncle Norm's Organ Emporium it was a nice job to start off with I was going to save up so I could start school again but suddenly the expected happen too soon everyone began notice my drastic change no matter how good i was at hiding it didn't last for long.

My appearance slightly began to change into a male's and my voice has changed too. So mother and father had taken me to the hospital demanding answers. The doctor wasn't quite sure of what was happening to me but they knew that I've changed since my last visit to the hospital. "Stella when did you notice your body started changing?" the doctor asked. "Before I graduated high school, I started growing hair on me face and a lot more everywhere, I thought it was normal Puberty stuff o' summfing'." my mother looked shocked. "How come you didn't tell us about it." I looked at her and shrugged. "I didn't fink' it was a big deal." The doctor broke his gaze from me and looked at my parents. "It seems that your daughter haves pseudohermaphroditism so far we know that she was born with it and it's not because of the incident with the tree I can reassure you that this can be fixed with hormones which can take her back to her normal State and will develop her breasts growth as well she can take them whenever she likes but if she stops taking them for a while it would only take her back to how she looks now."I looked at the doctor slowly then at my parents. "we can definitely do that." my father said relieved there was a solution. I couldn't believe what was happening to me yet it was a bit fascinating. So basically I was now a boy and girl, The appearance of a male and the organs of a female, the scientific word for it is pseudohermaphrodite which I can't pronounce right. The doctors said their was all types of them but mines was specially unique.


Everyone that knew me called me Stells for short And now it's Stuart, Stuart pot I had my name change after I decided not to take any hormones my parents agreed, they didn't want to at first but it didn't make a difference I'm still their little girl regardless, I just don't look like her anymore. I got rid of all my dresses, skirts, and all the other girly things I owned I kept some of my underwear though because they're actually pretty comfortable and I wasn't sure if I was going to start wearing male undergarments or not, probably not.

I had brought a new set of clothes just some T-shirts and pants some of them from Thrift shops. Living my life pretending to be a male is something new to me, I still love music and I actually like working at the Emporium, though it's been dead in lately I've seem to a tract a lot of girls I knew they weren't interested in music or buying a new keyboard, they just wanted to talk to me I was flattered but I wondered how they would react if they knew I was a girl too, they probably wouldn't be flirting with me anymore.


I didn't know how i was going to date or even be in a relationship I mean if I dated a boy it would be considered gay and if I dated a girl i would feel like a lesbian I didn't know how I was going to make it work but I wasn't really looking for a relationship anyways, I was actually fine with flirting with those girls who came by to see me at work almost every day I was happy to talk to them and stuff I mean, my job goes by much quicker when they're around and it gets boring when it's just me by myself so I guess having the girls around flirting with me makes the job pass by much quicker.

I can tell the girls went to St. Wilfred because I used to wear the same school uniform. "So Stuart, I swear you look like this one girl that used to go to our school she have blue hair just like yours, could you two be possibly be related?, her last name is Pot just like yours." One of the girls giggled in the back. "I doubt it." I laughed nervously. "I don't have any sisters." They all smiled. "Oh I guess not then but she graduated already my brother and her used to be good friends but she up and disappeared and we never really heard from her sense, anyways you have some really long fingers they're nice." I blushed a little. "Well thank you." Is all I managed to say as the other blonde girl said. "I bet those nice long fingers can do other things besides playing a keyboard." They all giggled and i smiled a little laughing with them in embarrassment the manager came in and they all scattered running for the door. "Bye Stuart we'll see you tomorrow!" One of them yelled as they made their way out the door running and across the street I waved at them while the manager glared at me and made his way back in the office. I don't think they were going to see me tomorrow though because that was the day I first met murdoc niccals and we all know how things ends up after that, but yeah... Stells no longer existed in this world anymore. Just Stuart Harold Pot.


I sat along while gazing out the window I don't know how long I've been doing that but it felt like forever. Murdoc was sitting next to me on the couch he had his eyes closed but I could tell he wasn't sleeping. He looks so peaceful it kind of scared me I held his hand tightly and kissed it softly he sort of smiled and open his eyes turning to look at me. "What are yah doing bluebird?." I smiled and blushed at the sound of the nickname. "Nothin, you're hands are just rough, I like em' a lot." He smiled and closed his eyes again. "I like your hands too their warm and soft." He chuckled softly. We stayed like this holding hands their was silence while enjoying each other's company.

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