The old you

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It's been a week and I finally build the courage to talk to Dr. Richmond about who I truly was and our past friendship Muds agreed to help and he was actually supportive about the idea of me reunitting with one of my best friends since I could remember. Murdoc brought the car over while I waited outside. "Aye, come on we don't have all day love." I smiled at him and walked around the car getting in.


Murdoc drove to a nice little cafe near the hospital called Jack's coffee that is where John agreed to meet me. As we drove past the cafe to park the car I could see him outside the cafe drinking a cup of coffee he was dressed sharp as usual with a pair of Grey slacks, a white button-up shirt and light brown brogue shoes. John screamed sophistication and he has since high school. Murdoc open his door and hopped out walking around to open my side of the door like he usually does. "Thank you." I said Softly he smiled and nodded.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go?." He said sounding a bit sad and persuasive. Since last week me and John made plans to meet and Murdoc's been trying to convince me to let him go I've never seen him so persistent about anything I wanted to do but I was really happy and grateful that he cared so much about this as much as I did I didn't want Murdoc to go because I wanted to do this on my own so for the first time ever I had to turn him down. "I'll be fine Muds I don't want you to worry I promise this will only take an hour and then I'll give you a call to come get me." Murdoc looked defeated but he nodded again and looked at me with soft Eyes giving me a kiss. "I want you to take less than an hour so we can go home and I can talk to my kids." He said holding my cheeks as i giggled lightly touching his hands. "Okay, I'll try Muds." He nodded holding my hands kneeling down to kiss my belly. "Bye." He whispered softly and went up to give me one last kiss on the forehead I smiled into the kiss. He held my hand tightly slightly walking back towards the car not wanting to let go of my hand until he finally did he gave me a sad small smile. I stood on the sidewalk watching him get back in the car. " I love you." I said waving at him. He smiled and waved back. "I love you too blue bird and those tiny little things inside of you." He laughed starting the car. "Bye 2D call me when you're ready to come get yah." I nodded slowly, looking at him. He smiled back at me and drove off. I stay there watching until he turned the corner and I no longer could see him I sighed to myself a bit closing my eyes trying to explain this Happiness I feel inside. "Stuart." a soothing voice spoke from behind me and I immediately recognized it. "Dr. Richmond." I said softly turning around to look at him. He was always so handsome, especially in person he had dark brownish hair that was long enough to stop at his neck and curl behind his ear, and it was well groomed. He had light skin almost sun kissed with barely visible freckles and tall, 6.3 to be exact, not too far from my height, he smelled of rich Cologne and he had a very expensive watch on his left risk. His beautiful blue eyes looked at me in delight, "how are you today? " I smiled at him. "I'm doing quite well and yourself?" He smiled back. "I'm doing great, come on our table's right outside." He walked over, opening the small outdoor gate to the cafe. I walked in and he closed it back behind himself, walking over to the table and pulling out a chair for me. John has always been gentlemanly I wouldn't blame him, his whole family are very rich and famous people, a family of actors, really, I don't even know how he ended up a doctor. I walked over sitting on the seat he selected for me, pulling it closer towards the table as I sat he walked over across from me sitting in his seat. I could tell his coffee was cold that's how he liked it. "Cold coffee?" He smiled. "Oh yes, old habbit really." he chuckled to himself. "I see." I smiling at him. "Well, I know you're concerned about the twins, so we can go ahead and talk about that, next month, you have another appointment with me, so make sure you don't forget." I looked at him slowly nodding as the waiter came." hello, what may I get for you today?" He was average height with green eyes and blond hair. "Green tea with just a little bit of sugar in and a nice swan scone to go with it." I could see John smile to himself, I'm not sure if he remember something or maybe it was the way I said it. "Of course, Sir and you Dr Richmond?" The waiter turned to John. "I'll have the usual again thank you Thomas." The waiter smiled an nodded at both of us making his way back to the kitchen. "You know him?." I asked softly. " yes, I'm actually a regular considering that the hospital's right around the corner from here, sometimes I don't have time to go far to eat, so I come here there's times I have to run to the hospital after I order a meal because someone's at the brink of death it's very convenient though." I looked at him slowly. "that's a lot of work i don't know how you do it." I said my eyes softening. He nodded. "I love what I do, I love helping people." I smiled at him. "you always have." I whispered. He looked slowly at me, I could tell he wasn't upset or anything he looked alot more curious and puzzled. "I came to talk to you about something else not the babies." He hummed lightly as the waiter came back with our drinks setting them carefully in front of us against the table. "Anything else I can get you with?" John shook his head quietly, the waiter nodded and went on to attend other people. John got up off his seat slowly and walked over towards me, pulling out his wallet taking out a small Polaroid picture. The picture showed four kids all in uniform, a girl and a boy with brunette hair, their smiles wide and happy, the girl had Hazel eyes and the boy's were an angel blue, finally, there was us in the back, John, making a funny face and me holding the peace sign up it's strange how I can remember this picture like it was yesterday how I can remember my femininity brunette with actual eyeballs, blue. He looked at me quietly with hope in his eyes." I finally found you Stella, I know you couldn't run too far from me." He said softly as I smiled sadly at him. "How did you know it was me." I asked as I looked down with tears in my eyes. "you can run away and be a boy, become famous in a really cool band and I can still recognize you, anywhere." He slowly wiped my tears away." I missed you so much Stell's I never stopped thinking about you and I never stopped looking for you either." I looked at him again. "I never forgotten about anyone else either, I wasn't sure how anyone had taken it after I left." He sighed. "Not soo well, you're parent's wouldn't tell me, or anyone else where you were or what happened to you, but for sure, I was the only one who really knew." I took a sip of my warm tea slowly. "H-how?" I asked curiously.

He gave me a careful look and he sat next to me in the next chair, grabbing hold of his coffee and taking a short sip. "I found out that my uncle was your doctor all those years ago, he and my father were talking about a patient who had Pseudohermaphoroditeism by the name of Stella pot, I overheard everything I couldn't really believe it That's when I realized why you were so distant from me from everyone, Charlie and Lumen I knew you were going to leave and start a new life, because my uncle later told my father that you refuse treatment, a person who has Hermaphoroditeism only fate is to slowly convert to the opposite sex while still renaming your natural born sex in other words if your born a male with Hermaphoroditeism during puberty you will start looking more like a girl but still remain a man that's only if one who possess's Hermaphoroditeism refuses treatment their fate is to end up the opposite sex while still being their natural born sex When I made this research really young, I decided to become a doctor and start my quest looking for you, I don't know if you remembered my sister but she went to your job almost every day with her friends after school, she didn't know it was you until I told her later on in life she really thought you were related to Stella but you were her the whole entire time she used to come home and talk about a boy with blue hair, I never knew anyone with blue hair except you when you fell off that tree that's when I knew where to find you I knew it was you but unfortunately I lost track of you I heard you were in horrible accidents constantly in the hospitals I search all the ones in London hoping I could find you there but it wasn't till I was in my twenties I found out you where in a band and the rest is history it wasn't till now that I found you with some green bloke."


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