The old you (Part 2)

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"What happened blue bird why you're so silent?, did everything went well with your little friend?."

Murdoc was driving home asking me questions and so concerned honestly I didn't really feel much like talking not after what happened with John not after everything I did to him he still cared about me enough to become a Doctor just to find me just to make sure I was okay and I just left, I left everyone behind. "I'm okay Muds we can talk about it when we get home." He nodded continuing to drive.


Noodle was on the couch reading a book and Russell in the kitchen making everyone something to eat it was really nice to be home again. "How did it go D?." Noddle sprung off the couch walking quickly towards me I smiled a little hugging her. "It was great, I honestly though he have forgotten all about me and it was just a coincidence we meet again but I was wrong everything he did was for me." She smiled and hugged me back tightly. "I'm really happy for you D."
Murdoc closed the door behind himself and took his shoes off walking over on the couch laying on it. "Aye, y'all want some burgers." Russell called from the kitchen. Murdoc with his eyes closed raised his hand up.

"Over here Rus." He called.
"How Many M?" Rus asked.
"Two is fine for me." Murdoc replied raising the peace sign in the hair for Rus to see then carefully rest it back on his abdomen. Noodle soon let go of me and sprinted to the kitchen. "I'll have three and I'm sure D would have the same amount too." She smiled back at me and I nodded at her. "Coming right up!" Russell said happily.


We were all in the living room enjoying our meal with a glass of fresh orange juice that Rus prepared for us except Murdoc he decided to have six shots of Tequila straight but the good news about all this is that Muds and Rus get along quite well now their practically good friends well, almost they just don't argue as much as they have before.

"So D tell us about the Dr." Noddle said leaning against Muds. "Yeah we're all dieing to know if he's a lot better than Murdoc." Murdoc rolled his eyes at Rus smart remarks and turned to look at me curiously. I looked silently at him flickering my lashes.


He held my hand tightly as if he never wanted to let go of it, it was warm from the coffee he was holding he looked at me with very worried eyes I didn't even know where to begin,  but I began with. "I'm sorry." That's all I managed to say so pathetically. He slowly smiled at me holding my hand a little tighter. "Please don't apologize I'm sure when you're ready you'll be able to tell me everything maybe next time I'll invite you to tea." I nodded back smiling up at him holding back my tears.


"What I mostly remember we spent the last 23 minutes talking about all the things we did in high school then their was a really bright flash then I called Muds to get me and then he hugged me tightly and we parted ways." I finished looking at everyone.

"And then you we're all sad looking when I picked you up explain that 2D." Murdoc added.

I looked down slowly. "I was a little sad because I left everyone behind including him and he still tried his best to look for me he never gave up I really believe it was such a disappointment when he seen me because I wasn't the girl he once knew but he didn't care, he didn't care about that at all he still excepted me even so I look like this But soon he'll invite me to tea again and I'll be able yo tell him everything I couldn't today." I said looking away from everyone.

"Aww he sounds like a dream." Noddle said cheerfully.

"You look fine to me if he doesn't like the way you look now then fuck him 2D i think you're looks are sexy." Muds mentioned and my cheeks only got hot.

"You're the one that made him look like this, no offence 2D you're, a god Damn creep Murdoc." Russell added.

I felt Russell hand pet me on the head and for once I actually felt soo complete we we're an actual family and now that John is back into my life and the twins will be here soon theirs nothing more than bliss and full Euphoria waiting for me or so I thought.

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