Chapter One: the Beginning

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My daddy tells me I have to marry an important man, a man that will settle all the family debts and problems. I'm being forced to marry the son of the biggest Italian Mob around the entire world. If it weren't for my best friend D'Kyla -who happens to be his younger sister- I'd have run away the moment I was told the news. She was right there with me when my daddy told me.

"Everything will be fine Alex, you've seriously got to relax and cut the worrying!" She said as I expressed all my pent stress and worries.

"Kyla, he's your brother. Of course you defend the man you usually despise because he dictates what you wear and who you hang around. I don't want that type of control over my life," I reminded her.

"Well, from what daddy tells me- you don't have a choice and your own father is enforcing all of this too."

I groaned dramatically. "Don't remind me of my impending doom. When do we have this stupid dress fitting again?"

"You'll willingly go?" She eyed me suspiciously as I painted another one of my toes my favorite color and luckily the theme to my wedding, blood red. "I figured I'd have to trick you into going."

"I mine as well go without a fight and get this marriage over and done with. It's not like we have to have sex or have any babies," I shrugged.

Her eyes became slightly guilty as she said, "He will more than likely be expecting that since it's in the contract honey. You'll have to have at least one baby eventually and according to the girl's he's dated- he's very demanding, persuasive, and will just take what he wants from you."

My fear was quite evident as my face paled. "He would rape me?" I whispered quietly. She nodded her head slowly, hesitant to answer. Her arms came around me in a tight embrace. "And it's not like I can tell the cops I was raped by my husband who is the Mob Boss."

"You know I'm here no matter what Alex, everything is going to work out perfectly."

I couldn't bring myself to believe her words as I began to fear for my future life and more over, my future husband.

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